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daddy 🥵💦

hi ❤️


i would love to fuck you


ok don't speak emoji please
i need actual words


that's my baby
so um how was your morning?
everything better?

still can't believe she's gone
but putting her down just reminded me she actually is
so i guess i'm handing shit pretty well.
my dad also talked to me abt it so yeah
i'm going back tmr btw
grandpa is coming with for like a vacation thingy

oh that's good
i'll miss you though

yeah same
um wanna come over or smt?
i mean you don't have to because if you're busy then i totally get it and i don't wanna be a burden or smt i just want some company since my dad and grandpa are doing something that i didn't wanna go to and i just really don't wanna be alone because i'm scared and it's just you know what never mind

i would love to come over
i'll be there in 5

you don't have to
i was just talking abt it
you probs have shit to do
and like yeah
we could maybe hang another time or smt
i mean like if we can
that's just like next week since you'll visit
you'll still visit me right?

el i don't give a fuck, i'm coming over
and yes i'll still visit no matter what

ok then

(seen 1:36pm)


mike didn't even bother to knock on the front door, he just made his way into the house quickly because he really wanted to see el. it's been days.

looking around the house and finally spotted el cuddled up on the couch in a blanket and watching netflix.

he smiles at the sight and walks over to her quietly, "boo!" he scares her as she jumps before looking up at him

"you scared me." she says, her voice coming out soft

he smiles softly, walking around the couch and sitting next to her, "i know."

"then why did you scare me?" she asks quietly

"because, i love your reactions. makes me happy." he smiles

"my misery makes you happy?" she asks

"aww don't be so shocked, of course!" he pinched her cheek as she lets out a small giggle

"you're smiling! see, you're not that miserable." he teases

"shush. i-i'm very miserable." she jokes but it was true

he tucks a strand of hair behind her ear, "you have me though, why would you be?"

"why would i not? you're bloody annoying." she lays on his chest

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