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maki and miu sit together on the couch of there dorm waiting for there other two roommates to arrive "Hey mak?" Miu says braiding the others hair. "hm~?" Maki hums as she flips threw the channels on the tv "Why werent you in class today?" Miu asks and maki smiles "Me and kokichi were doing stuff in the student council room nothing to worry about." Maki says and Miu nods.

"oh... makes sense." she says as the door gets kicked open. The two unbothered by this continue to look at the tv "Hi kokichi, shuichi." Maki says simply still staring at the tv "hi." Kokichi sighs immediatly walking to the fridge and grabbing a panta. "When did you change personality?" Maki asks and shuichi sighs leaning on the couch "Just now." shuichi says and maki nods "oh k." maki says continuing to flip through the channels.

"y'all wanna watch titanic?" Maki asks finally looking at the two knowing miu already would say yes. Kokichi shrugs "I dont fucking care do what y'all want im going to go to the store and get ice cream." Kokichi says "Damn calm yo' non exsitant tits koki! Whats got you all angry?" Miu says turning around and looking at the small male. "Just some fucking assholes from class 6-B nothing important." Kokichi says grabbing his coat, "Those bitches, what the hell did they do to you!?" Maki says standing up and turning to the purplette.

"Kaito Fucking momota just being an ass and throwing my books in the fountain. Like i said they are just being bitches like always nothing important." Kokichi says sighing. Miu gets up and puts on a jacket. "Im coming to the store with you and if we come across that bitch im going to fucking choke him with his own damn bat and then drown him in the fucking fountain!" Miu snarls, Maki looks over to the two. "I would come with you but i still have to give rantaro the beat down of the centry." Maki says looking at the clock. Kokichi laughs a bit.

"Shuichi can you feed checkers for me?" (kokichis black and white cat) Kokichi says earning a nod from shuichi. "K bye!" Kokichi says walking out of the dorm miu following and looking around. Out of the corner of mius eyes she notices an all to familer face "Alright ya virgin come with me." Miu says pulling kokichi around the corner and spying on the male in the hallway.

"woah, is that rantaro?" Kokichi asks earning a nod from miu. "Aw, fuck it im going to go wake him up" Miu says running up to the male who was leaning against a wall apperently asleep. Miu pushes the male making him fall to the side. "WAh!" The male yells as he falls. "HAHAAHAH!!! OMG I WISH I GOT THAT ON CAMERA!!!!" Miu laughs out as rantaro looks up at her. Kokichi back to his normal shy personality runs over.

"m-miu thats n-not very n-nice..." Kokichi mumbles and holds out a hand for rantaro to use to stand up. Rantaro takes his hand and stands up looking to the side. "thanks..." Rantaro says earning a nod from kokichi. Miu scoffs "Kokichi you shouldnt help asshole playboys like him." Miu says earning a head shake from kokichi "W-where do y-you think b-being mean is g-going t-to get us?" Kokichi asks "M-most people bully b-because they are dealing with t-things that cause them to b-bully to feel like they are the b-bigger person. Being mean b-back wont solve anything." Kokichi says earning an eye roll from miu. Kokichi turns back to rantaro and bows apoligetically "I-ims s-so sorry." Kokichi says grabbing miu's arm "L-lets go miu." Kokichi says pulling miu away

Once they get far enough away from the school kokichi changes back to his more reckless or i guess meaner personality. "I cant believe you defended the playboy" Miu says and kokichi shrugs "no the other me did. i would never do that." Kokichi says with a sigh. "The other you is way to kind." Miu says with a sigh and pulls out her phone "But I'd rather beat his ass in front of his friends anyway." Miu says making kokichi nod "That would be funny." Kokichi says causing miu to nod in agreement.


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