Chapter 1

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"There." Renjun said, a satisfied grin on his face as he stared at his screen.

"What?" Haechan asked, glancing over the male's shoulder. He held in the urge to roll his eyes as he saw the post.


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"Nice." Haechan said as he adjusted his bag, the two of them continuing to make their way to their classes.

Haechan loved the other members of the student house they rented, he really did. They were the best roommates he could ever ask for, even if they were all in different years. They kept Haechan entertained, the male loving to play pranks on the others, especially Renjun.

Renjun was the only one that had classes as early as Haechan though, or at least was willing to go to school early with him. As an art major, Renjun needed all the time on campus as he could get, spending most of the time in the studio.

Haechan on the other hand was a business major, and honestly didn't know what he was doing. He needed to go to college but wasn't sure what to study so he just went into business. He had to admit, the courses were not easy, but it wasn't overwhelmingly hard either, so he just stuck with it.

Haechan took a deep breath before plastering a smile on his face as they walked by the different students of the school, running a hand through his hair. The thought of school brought his mood down, and he didn't like it. He liked being happy, as it always gave him more energy to get through the day.

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