Chapter 8

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Haechan was honestly surprised when their professor decided to give them a work period instead of regular class that day to get them familiar with the project.

It's only the first week.

Like usual though, Haechan's partner was staring at her phone, as if the rest of the world didn't exist.

Does this girl even have a brain in there or is her life just instagram?

"Hey." Haechan said. Yeona didn't hear him though.

"Hello?" Haechan waved his hand but Yeona still didn't acknowledge him.

Haechan let out a deep sigh before swiping the phone from her hands, which definitely caught haer attention.

"Yah, what are you-"

Haechan's eyes automatically went to the comments Yeona had been recieving, none of them very nice either.

"Give me that!" Yeona said, swiping her phone from Haechan's hands but it was too late, he had already seen it all

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"Give me that!" Yeona said, swiping her phone from Haechan's hands but it was too late, he had already seen it all.

"Yeona, what is going on?" Haechan asked but Yeona was already looking at her notebook, her phone faced down on the table. It was continuing to buzz though, which was enough for Haechan to know that those comments were not going away.

"So, what type of company are you thinking of?" Yeona asked, taking a deep breath before faking a smile at him.

"You know, none of those comments were very nice, right?" Haechan said, ignoring Yeona's question.

"I'm thinking a private corporation, what do you think?" Yeona said, tapping her finger against her chin.

"Yeona, I'm serious." Haechan said, making Yeona let out a deep sigh.

"Listen Haechan. I don't shove my nose into your business so don't shove yours into mine. We're here to work on this project so it would be a lot better if you could just focus on that task at hand, how does that sound?"

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