"Hello, employee no. 314. Can you copy?"


"Please go to the HR Department please, they're in need of assistance. Over."

"Roger that."

The HR department was on the 3rd floor of the Fukisawa Building, where stars are made as it states in the company's slogan. Never heard of it before.

In fact, I never did. I'm just someone who works here.

Pushing my cart with a lot of cleaning stuffs, I move my way to the employee elevator beside the main one that is generally used. It's a good thing, I don't want to be there since there's a lot people that uses it.

"Employee elevator going up, over."

"Roger, 319. Arigato."

I've been in this job for a year now, and boy, it's very tiresome. But for the sake of my family, I just have to earn money for them.

I first thought that having a janitorial work in Japan is not going to be easy but I'm surprised by how light my work is, to be honest. There really isn't much to clean, and if there is one big task, usually it's because of the confettis that we're thrown out on one of the sets in the 6th floor but mainly, that's it.

I'm in the elevator with one of the staffs here and exchanged our his and hellos.

"How's your day, Meiji-san?"

"Not bad, I'll be assisting Mr. Owana-san later with the paperworks as always. You, Ray-kun?"

"As always, cleaning everything up and now they're asking for assistance upstairs on the HR department," I answered.

A few minutes later, I'm on the floor and was bombarded by a lot of people once the doors opened.

"What's happening here?", I mumbled.

"You should be used by it now, Ray-san. This is a media network's building, I'm surprised at you," Meiji-san said to me.

"Well, I'm used to it. Just surprised that it happened here on this floor, I never would've thought of it."

I pushed my cart and made my through the crowd of people while shouting "Excuse me!" in Japanese until I was able to move past all those girls who has a lot of photobooks on their hands.

Must be some actor, I thought.

I pushed my cart to the doors of the HR Department and said my hellos to the guard in front of it and asked if I could let the cart here for a while which he nodded.

I went inside the area and paused.

It looks like a whirlwind passed this area! Everything looks disheveled and  everything's a mess!

"Ray-san, thank God!"

I turned to my back and saw Fujisaka running towards me.

"What happened here, Fuji-san?", I asked.

"There was an actor that visited here in secret today since he is going to study how everything works here for a new project. We happily helped him in everything since the bosses from the higher ups agreed to this as long as he does not get caught by fans but looks like they knew," she explained.

I nodded. No wonder why there's a commotion, but still this is crazy.

"Where is Makisa-san? He should be helping me with this!"

They just shook their heads, I sighed to myself and went back to my cart and let it in.

I let everyone know that they can go back to their jobs and I'll take care of this mess. It may take me hours but something I can do when alone.

I'm already an hour in on cleaning and was sweeping the floor when my eye caught something shiny underneath one of the chairs. I quickly reach out for it and got some sort of necklace because I felt small chains.

When I looked at it, the necklace is a silver, and there's a key and a circle ring with engravings on it. What attracted me the most is a gray gem on the ring itself, it's not big nor small and it shaped like an octagon and I saw A.E. engraved on the key.

This A.E. guy is really not careful with his belongings, I thought.

I quickly put it on my pocket and continued cleaning the floor, thinking that later I will give it to out Lost Finds supervisor downstairs.

After cleaning the mess that is the HR department, I was tasked to clean up the upper floors and check if everything is already cleaned so I can report this to my own supervisor slash Godfather Pikasa-kun, he was my semi-fatherly figure here in Japan and I thank him a lot for this work.

It was 9:30pm when I got downstairs to the HR department again for my last checking when I saw a shadow in my peripheral view.

I quickly turned around and went towards the end of the floor where the door is to said department, with a pepper spray on hand just for protection. It's not new that this happened so this is already good enough as a defense tool.

I quickly peeked through the door and saw the person that I saw earlier.

It's a guy with a big gray hoodie and he has a mask, wears black pants and sneakers.

Definitely a bad guy, I thought.

I slowly pushed the door and quickly pointed my spray at him.


He didn't budge since he continued looking scrambling the area and appears like he's looking for something.

"I SAID WHAT ARE YO---HMPP!" He quickly put his hand on my mouth. The audacity of this guy!

"Please, I don't have time for this. I need to find my necklace in here! I'll find it and I'll leave," he quickly got back on looking for the necklace.

Which reminds me, I did find it earlier.

Since I'm not sure who this is, I will not hand it to him. Better be safe than sorry.

"I'm one of the janitors here earlier and no, I didn't find a necklace lying around here. Please get out of here at once or I'll call the security," I said calmly.

He got up and went towards me, "If you see anything, call this number. Arigato," he said and quickly ran away.


When it was silent, I looked at the paper he gave to me.

"A.E. +8154678939"

Huh, it really does belong to him.

I grabbed the necklace in my pocket and looked at it again. It must be very important to him, he wouldn't barge in here just to find it.

I hope he does come back so I can give it to him.


There we have it!

This was created back in March and never got around of publishing it you might tell me "I'm insane" 😅

But here it is, since I was pushed by my bestie to publish this so hopefully I can continue this until I'm okay with where this would take.

Have fun!

- RayRay

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