Goku x Saiyan! Male! Reader -LEMON-

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Warning: This chapter contains explicitly explained NSFW if you're uncomfortable with the topic please skip! Thank you.

(M/N)'s P.O.V

We come from a bloodline of warriors, we feel the need to fight and once we do we get addicted. Fighting is our addiction, but feeling love has never overridden our need to fight. That's what I thought at least, yet I've been taken over and fallen in love with a man who's only will is to protect those he cares about.

Why must a feeling be like this? I've felt the need to be beside him no matter what, but this isn't like the need to fight. It's much stronger and I can't stop it. He's immature and very simpleminded I doubt if I made a confession to him he'd even know what I'm talking about. Having feelings such as these are troublesome and I don't know how to deal with them.

"(M/N), do you want to come train with us?" I heard Goku ask beside me. I shift my eyes to look at him, "Of course." I reply as I get up to walk beside him while Vegeta trails behind us. Odd.

"So (M/N) how have you been lately?" Goku asked starting up a conversation, "I've been doing fine for most of the part. I don't really have much to do." I explained as I stared up at Goku, 'He's pretty tall.' I suddenly noticed as I continue to stare up at him.

"How have you and Chichi been?" I asked and I felt Vegeta's eyes shift to my back. "We've been alright I guess. She gets mad at me a bit more, but other than that we're doing fine." Goku explained while putting his hands behind his head in a carefree manner.

"Why are we walking when we can fly?" I ask looking behind me to see Vegeta shrug. "Well we're close by so I thought we could just walk." Goku explained looking down at me. I looked up at him, but his gaze seemed like he was inspecting something causing me to immediately look away.

My face heated up a bit as I felt his eyes still on me, "You're cute when you get flustered." Goku simply stated as he gave his signature laugh. "I-I'm not cute!" I exclaimed as my face became more red as my tail puffed up. I still have my tail since I've managed to control when I transform into a Great Ape.

"Ah see look you tail puffed up!" Goku replied back as he reached to grab my tail. Once he did he gave it a light squeeze causing me to arch my back, "Ah!" I moan as my body became weak and I stumble onto Goku's chest. I clamped onto Goku's shirt trying to keep myself from falling to the floor. My body was trembling, it felt hot all of a sudden and my mind became hazy.

"(M/N), what's wrong?!" I heard Goku try to ask as Vegeta came up behind him. "Idiot, let go of his tail!" Vegeta yelled and Goku obliged as I felt him release my tail. I was still trembling a bit as I saw Vegeta push Goku away. "Kakarot, leave for a bit." Vegeta demanded and Goku walked a few meters from us.

I slowly sat down onto the grass so just in case I won't fall, I let my tail curl around the outline of my legs. I stare at the ground in embarrassment and shame as the Prince of All Saiyan's stared down at me. "You're a male, yet you give off the aroma of a female saiyan in heat." Vegeta began as his gaze intensified.

"I don't know why, I'm a warrior not some female in heat!" I exclaimed as my tail puffed up again as a sign that I was getting aggravated. "Just keep that scent to yourself." Vegeta demanded as he crossed his arms again. "You think I wouldn't?!" I yelled at him and he just grumbled under his voice.

"Kakarot, come back!" Vegeta yelled across the field catching Goku's attention. "Let's just get to the field already." I start as I kept my foul attitude before walking in the direction of the field.

Mini time skip

We made it to the field but the tension in the air was heavy. I fly into the air and make my way to the top mountain, I waited for Goku and Vegeta to spread across the terrain. Once they did I immediately charged at Goku to which he charged back at me.

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