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A few days had passed since Jungkook was hanging out with Jin to buy birthday present for Jimin. Everything had been planned really nice by everyone because Jimin's birthday in on Friday so no need to worry about college since tomorrow is weekend.

Jimin woke up to the bright sun kiss hit right on his face causing his eyes to hurt by the sudden brightness inside the room. He was about he lift himself up form the bed but he felt a weight around his tiny waist. The omega turned around only to meet with Jeon Jungkook who is burying his nose into Jimin's soft hair as he sleeps soundly.

He starts to feel giddy inside since he got a chance to look at the sleeping alpha close after since he never seen him sleeping like a baby in awhile. Jungkook rarely there when he was awake as he assumed that probably the older had woken up first or maybe he slept in the living room.

"i enjoyed you stare at me but sadly we need to go to college"
Jungkook's deep voice disturbed his thought.

Jimin pouted as he move his eyes to look away although he knows that it was no use since the alpha already caught him staring. He felt too embarrassed so he was struggling to escape from Jungkook's strong arm but the said alpha only tightened his grip, refused to let him go yet.

"mhm, don't leave yet.. this bed will get cold without you"
Jungkook mumbled sleepily with his face smashed into the pillow.

Jimin was struggling to get Jungkook out of the bed and even push him into a bathroom with force a else the alpha won't freshen up himself and they won't going to school any sooner. They had breakfast together but this time Jungkook volunteered himself to cook and who was Jimin to reject him? Watching Jungkook cooking in the kitchen with rolled up sleeves might be one of his kink that he himself never know about.

As soon as they finished, they stepped outside to get into Jungkook's car but then Jimin stopped his trace just like Jungkook who was turning around to make sure the smaller is fine. He saw Jimin standing there while hugging himself, his face also turned into bright shade of red.

"are you okay Jiminie?"
Jungkook said gently as he brought his hands up to cup Jimin's freezing cheeks into his large palms.

"I'm good, j-just it's getting cold today"
Jimin tried to laugh but it turns out to be an awkward one causing he mentally scold himself.

He saw the alpha sighed as he looked down on his shoes, seemed like he was thinking about something. Not so long after that he lift his head up once again to meet with Jimin's brown orbs.

"I can't left you here, let's come inside first"
Jungkook said and dragging the clueless omega along with him inside again.

The alpha let Jimin to sit on the couch on the living room while he jogged to the upstairs and get inside his bedroom. Jimin was rubbing both his palms together as he tried to create some heat for his cold hands. Then, the sound of the door slammed shut caught his attention and he noticed Jungkook is running downstairs to his direction.

"I planned to give you this tonight but it seemed like you will need this right now"
Jungkook said while he wrapped Jimin's neck with the soft materials and also put his coat on Jimin's body.

"w-what is this?"
Jimin asked curiously as he touched the clothe around his neck to keep him warm.

"happy birthday"

With that Jimin felt a thin lips pressed into his, stealing a short peck as Jungkook backing away with a grin on his handsome face. Jimin swears his breath getting heavier as he was sure that his face is now red by judging from how the blood rushed to his face and heating him up.

Jungkook's coat was too big for Jimin but it provides him the enough warmth and also the scarf. The alpha couldn't help but to smile thinly at Jimin's shy behavior as he keeps looking on the squeaky clean floor with flustered face.

"can you help me wear this?"
He asked and handing another scarf to Jimin, assuring him to wrap it around his neck as well.

Jimin was hesitant to take the clothes as the soft materials touching his fingertips slightly. He looked at the alpha for the last time who was flashing him a smile to assure him to take the grey scarf. A soft sigh escaped his mouth as Jimin wrapped the clothe around Jungkook's neck properly.

"i think it's the same product, do you buy this matching scarf purposely?"
Jimin asked giggling, the grey scarf around Jungkook's neck really suits him well and couldn't help but to blush.

"it just happen when them caught my attention, nothing special"
Jungkook said not making any eye contact with the omega.

"is this a cute side of you?"
Jimin can't stop himself from giggling, he found Jungkook was too adorable.

"hell, cute? no! I'm manly! That word was never existed in my dictionary!"
Jungkook exclaimed proudly but then he saw a long pout on Jimin's face.

"you always call me cute! Why i can't call you cute too-"

A peck cut him off from speaking as Jungkook once again back away after surprising the omega with the sudden peck. The scent lingering from the cream colored coat was too strong with Jungkook's scent and it didn't help him to reduce the heat from his face and causing his face to turn redder than before.

"because you are! how bad I want to continue steal a peck from you right now, we need to go already! Let's go!"
Jungkook said and this time dragging Jimin out from the mansion to his car.


are you sure non of you missing Eunmi?
I bet she is sad
Don't be a silent reader!
Thank you!

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