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It's weekend as the both males are having their breakfast in the kitchen. No exchanging words between them, only the soft clicking sounds of their cutlery hitting the plate. A sudden phone call breaking the silence as Jungkook reached his phone and answer the call.

"mind to give me explanation?"
The caller asked with voice laced with tease

Jungkook didn't understand what does he mean so he knitted his eyebrows together in confusion.

"what do you mean Jin hyung ah?"

"you idiot- forget it, i call because want to borrow your Jimin today"
Jin said casually

"no, he's busy right now"
Jungkook avoiding eye contact with Jimin now is shutting his head at him with confusion was written over his face

"it's weekend and i don't care, i still going to take him with me"
The older said before end the call

He sighed in defeat as he brought his plate to the sink and doing his dishes.

"Jin hyung is going to pick you up anytime so be ready"
Jungkook wipes his hands and heading to the living room


The omegas had shopping for hours and now they're resting their sore feet at the bubble tea cafe, enjoying their drinks. Jin clears his throat, gaining the younger attention who busy sipping his bubble tea.

"so, what happened between you and jungkook? anything special?"
Jin tried his best to hide his excitement

"h-huh? me and Jungkook hyung?? anything special?? what do you mean?"
Jimin completely got no idea about what was the older saying

Without any further answer, Jin showed him the picture he received yesterday making the smaller gasped in disbelief.

"h-hyung it's- uh, i don't know! really!"
He lost his words and now his face turned crimson red

"i thought you guys have something"
Jin said pouting, he would be really happy if they are together

"what a-are you saying? shut up.."
Jimin nervously sipping his drink

It's getting late as now Jin is going to drop jimin off at Jungkook's mansion or else the alpha will turn the world upside down. He parked his car and Jimin get out after thank him.


Today is Sunday and as what had being planned, they students are supposed to meet at the same Starbucks to continue with thier assignment.

Jungkook scanned his surroundings before he assumed maybe the others were on their way. He shrugged as he lead Jimin to seat at their usual seat like usual.

"do you want something? Iced chocolate maybe? what about sides?"
Jungkook asked, looking at the omega who's sitting at the table

"I'd love iced chocolate but my feet kinda hurt, i can't go with you"
Jimin said apologetically, yes his feet hurt because spending hours shopping with Jin yesterday.

"just sit, I'll buy your drinks then"
The alpha then just left

After a few moments later, woohyun and hyunsik arrived waving at him who's sitting alone.

"you alone?"
Woohyun asked looking around for the other teammates

"no, jungkook went to buy drinks"
Jimin replied getting a nod from the beta

Both of them take a seat across Jimin, as Sangmi just arrived while panting, obviously rushing on her way here.

"sorry! am i late??"
she said breathlessly

"we not even start anything yet"
Minyuk said as Sangmi sighed in relief

She take a seat at the next to Jimin since Jungkook will seat at the middle, between Jimin and woohyun. The minhyuk guy had left with woohyun and sangmi's order leaving the trio, preparing some books and pens on the table.

"jimin ah, what's your opinion paired up with jungkook for this project? is he picky or something?"
Woohyun finally asked

"huh? oh, he just fine! he thought me a few things too"
Jimin said

Jungkook had thought him a few things when they working on this project together.

"what a good news, he is a top student so no wonder Eunmi is crazy over him"
Sangmi rolled her eyes, she is not into Ra Eunmi to be honest

Jimin nods in understanding as Minhyuk returned from the counter with a huge smile on his face.

"what's wrong with the ugly face of yours Minhyuk ah?"
Woohyun joking as the omegas burst into laughter

"you are mean! be lucky that Jungkook wants to pay for our drinks making my mood happy!"
Minhyuk pouting, taking a seat next to him

"Jimin ssi, you look cute today though"
He ignored his pouty friend

"o-oh really? t-thanks"
Jimin said in embarrassment, he is not often get compliments so just a few words can make him easily shy

"yah, what's wrong with this lovey scene?" sangmi said making a disgusting face

Woohyun got an idea that suddenly popped up in his mind making he smiled cheekily.

"jimin ssi do you seeing someone right now? or maybe not?"
Woohyun asked making the other gasped dramatically

"what a bold move"
Minhyuk said rolling his eyes

Jimin could feel his face started heating up. People rarely ask him about his private life especially about his current relationship.

"n-no I'm not.."
The omega not making eye contact with anyone

"did he fall into it already?"
Sangmi whispered to minhyuk who just shrugged his shoulders

"how about we go out sometimes? as a date? would you like to?"
Woohyun suggested and surprisingly, Jimin nods his head shyly after a few moments of silence

The whole group went silent. They were shocked by Jimin's answer and in the same time mentally cursing Cha Woohyun for messing around with the innocent yet naive Park Jimin.

"seriously? he's just kidding!"
Sangmi said, not wanting her friend to be dumped in the future

"no no! i really meant it!"
Woohyun defending himself

"what's happening here?"
A familiar deep voice echoing their eardrums as a tall figure of Jeon Jungkook is there with a tray of their drinks

"woohyun asked Jimin out, for a date"
Minhyuk teased but automatically Jungkook felt his body tensed

He doesn't like this idea, never.


I'm planning on updating a new book,
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