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Jungkook read the omega's room number then written on the piece of paper

There are three more rooms left before he could see Jimin's room. With a low breathe he continued his trace towards the said room until the room is exactly right in front of him.

Jungkook rose up his hand to knock but he noticed that the door was slightly open. The alpha frowned before playing some logic scenarios that why Jimin let the door to not be closed shut.

"he must be stupid, how come he forgot to close his door shut? i told him already about safety and everything!"
Jungkook arguing in his mind and knitted his eyebrows together

His head started to pounding like crazy making he groans and grabbed on his hair tightly to reduce the pain. Jungkook tried to breathe normally before calming himself down while closing his eyes.

'it's okay, everyone forgot about that sometimes right?'
Jungkook created his own conclusion

Without hesitation, he walked past the door and enter a pitch black room. He walked further a bit and his breathe hitched after his eyes got accustom to the dark. He was met with a living room that was a complete mess.

The papers seems like had been tossed down harsly with the cushions of the couch were on floor. Some others things were all over the floor too. There was also a broken pieces of glass vase on the floor and some blood on the pieces. Jungkook frantically search for Jimin.

He searched for the bedroom and saw a small petite body lying unconscious. His forehead was bleeding and making a small puddle of blood on the ground.

Jungkook slightly lightweighted with the scene in front of him, he collected himself and gently carrying the omega and rushed to the hospital.

He run three red lights while making his way to the hospital. Finally, they arrived at the hospital. He carried him bridal style and run towards the emergency ward, he let the nurses take Jimin to be examine.

Jungkook was pacing back and forth and when he sit down, he put his elbows on his kness and cupped his face before sighed heavily.This is his fault for not coming sooner, if he arrived sooner maybe he can catch the culprit. If he ever found the culprit he will beat them to dea-

The emergency door opened with a creaking sound making his thought cut off and Jungkook's head shut towards a man that wears a long white coat that making his way towards his direction with a clipboard clutching to his side

"How is he doing?" he shot the doctor the inticipating question.

"First, can you tell me what is your relationship with him?"
said the beta doctor with a pen on the paper waiting for Jungkook's reply.

"I'm his alpha"
he said in his monotone as his wolf was slightly happy while wiggling it's tail

He lied.

"Well, he's fine, just some minor cuts and bruises that have been patched up also his forehead was hit very hard but did not do anything major so don't need to stitch, he can leave after his last check up tomorrow"
the doctor explains thorughly.

"Thank god , can I see him now ?"
He asked excitedly

"Yeah, you can but you have to show your id card and you can go meet him in there"
he pointed towards the counter

"Thank you so much, doc"
he shaked the doctor's hand happily

"That's my job"
he replied with a smile on his face

Jungkook fasten his pace to the counter and settle the things he have to do before meeting Jimin.


It's nearly 11 pm as Jungkook was never leaving the unconscious omega's side. He kept staring on Jimin's beautiful feature like there's no tomorrow until he finally he finally realized and tore his sight from Jimin while stretching the back of his neck awkwardly

Jungkook leans onto the back of the backrest of the seat that he is sitting on and sighed heavily. He glanced over his watch before back to Jimin

"doctor said he'll awake soon after the dose less responsive inside his body so maybe i should go and buy something to eat for him?"
Jungkook thought silently

He shrugged before hesitantly stepping his feet out from the ward, not forgetting to close the door shut behind him. He rushed to his car and went to the nearest restaurant that still open at this hour and luckily he found one.

He sat at a table after ordering the porridge and wait. He smelt a savoury smell coming from the cook, he looked and he noticed the cook making the porridge.

"Eomma will make you porridge you want that? you need to eat, you're sick"
said the boy gently

The crying died down a bit and sniffles coming from the little omega that laid on the boy's lap.

"Huh? really?? You will help her right? If you help then I'll eat"
the smaller said as small hiccups followed the response

Hearing the respond, he ran to the kitchen quickly and asked his mom who agreed to help him make the porridge as he promised the little boy earlier

"No.36, No.36!!"
the impatience cashier yelling his number after calling them thousands time.

"Ouh I'm sorry, here's the tip"
he quickly gave the money at the mad cashier and left in hurry

The headache that he had been feeling lately is getting worse and he doesn't know why, he thinks he want to go get a checkup-

"no!! please don't!! help me!!!"


Double update!!
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