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It's been almost half an hour until they reached their destination. Jungkook pulled over his parking lot and stop the engine. Soft snores can be heard from his side as a soft smile appeared while looking at the sleeping omega next to him sleeping soundly.

How bad he wants to look at the sleeping omega more but sleeping in car must be uncomfortable.

"jimin, wake up we've arrived"
Jungkook said as he shook the omega lightly not wanting to make him scared or something

Jimin finally stirred from his slumber and slowly rubs his eyes using his fist.

Jungkook mumbled silently

The omega opened his eyes before scanning his surrounding without any single clue where he is right now. His eyes wide open, forgetting his sleepiness earlier after his eyes landed on a big building of a beautiful mansion outside the car.

"where are we??"
Jimin asked curiously

"my home"
Jungkook simply answered and get out from his car followed by Jimin who frowned in response

The omega called while tugging Jungkook sleeve and pulled back his hand

The taller just hummed in response as he waits for him to continue.

"I- ..uh sorry it's nothing"
Jimin said mentally scolding himself for calling the alpha without nothing to say

Jungkook just shrugged it off and make themselves to the living room. He noticed Jimin yawned softly before realizing something.

"you are stupid Jeon jungkook"
Jungkook scolded himself under his breath as Jimin saw his action

Jimin called softly bringing Jungkook back to earth

"you- ..are you okay by sharing room?"
The alpha asked lowly

"yes i- wait what?!"
Jimin asked in surprised

Jungkook sighed while cupping his face.

"okay listen, i was never expect someone will visit so I had never prepared a room for a guest, most of the rooms were filled with boxes and dusty furniture but i don't want to make you sleep on the couch or floor since you just exited from hospital so i suggest you to sleep in my room"
Jungkook explained

"but tomorrow is monday-"

"as i said you just exited the hospital so forget the school for awhile, focus on your health more"
Jimin pouted but still nods in understatement

Jungkook showed him his room as Jimin eyeing his room in amazed. The each wall was painted with dark blue colour and some of furniture are black and gold looking so elegant for a ordinary omega like him to be in this such room.

"you may rest and take a shower until I call you for dinner"
He said and left the room, leaving the omega alone

He done what have been told, he sat as he can't control his eyes from getting heavier each seconds. His soft blonde hair had been dried so he carelessly flopped himself down on the soft mattress making he slightly bounced on the bed. With a last yawn escaped his mouth, he turned his body so he could sleep in more comfortable position.


Jungkook clenching his own fist while the other hand is bringing a tray of food, he's debating with himself whether his should knock the door or not. As a heavy sigh escaped his mouth, he knock the door trice as he got no response from inside.

He just shrugged before entering the room and noticed Jimin is sleeping soundly without a blanket over himself. He approached the smaller as he tried to shook his lightly only to meet with Jimin's scrunched but cute face.

"humppph, I'm sleepy"
Jimin whined softly making Jungkook's chuckled in response

"at least eat something-"

"no I'm sleepy.. let me sleep more"
Jimin said while buried his face on the soft mattress

"okay then, sleep well-"

"but i want cuddles.. I'm cold.."
Jimin cut him off again as he mumbled innocently

Jungkook sighed, a sleepy Jimin would be cute but he's not going to take any advantage on the omega. He slowly put the thick blanket over Jimin's small body since the temperature in his room already decreased because of the air conditioner. Jimin slowly move as he began to turn around repeatedly as if he's looking for something with closed eyes.

"give me cuddles, i need warmth"
Jimin whined as he making some sleepy noises

"just sleep Jimin, I'll be at the living-"

Jimin cut him off as he tugged on Jungkook's muscular arm

Jungkook sighed as he rubbed the back of his head using his free hand trying to figure out what to do right now.

"just a cuddle won't hurt right?"
Jungkook asked himself before carefully get under the cover as Jimin fits himself between Jungkook's arms and hide his face on Jungkook's chest, smelling his cinnamon and minty scent to sleep.

The alpha smiled and lightly play with the omega's blonde hair making the smaller fall into a deep slumber as soft snores can be heard from the said omega. The addicting smell of the fresh blossom flower making Jungkook nearly drool. He buried his nose into Jimin fluffy hair and sniffed them softly before he drifting to sleep

Not taking even a quarter hour later, Jungkook began to open his eyes before peeking the sleeping omega in his embrace, seeking for warmth while  sleeping. With a heavy heart, Jungkook moved away from the smaller who's started to make some whine in his sleep as he feels no warmth around him anymore.

The alpha quickly replace him with his fluffy pillow with his cinnamon and minty scent on as Jimin hugs and smell the pillow before drifting to sleep again. Jungkook sighed in relief before he walked towards the balcony in his room with his phone to make a phone call.

He dialed the number and place his phone near his ear as he heard the person pick up the phone after the third rings.

"hello jungkook"
the person said through the phone

"hello namjoon hyung, are you still at police station?"
Jungkook said calmly as he let the night breeze hitting on his skin gently

"i just get in my car, what's wrong?"
the older asked in curiosity

"i want you to help me to do an investigation, can you?"
The alpha asked as he leans on the metal of the balcony

"sure, send me the location to meet later like usual okay?"
namjoon said as Jungkook hummed in response

"okay, see you later and good night"
Jungkook said and end the call after the older wish him good night and head back into the room and get under the cover as he couldn't help himself but to stare the sleeping omega until he unconsciously fallen asleep.


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