The End

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Tilting her head up, she allowed the water to hit her face directly—the pressure caressing the right spots to make her drift. Although she preferred baths, sometimes a shower was more efficient in unwinding had been one of those weeks. Besides dinner and going straight to bed when arriving home, she barely saw Jane for the past days. Usually, this didn't affect her, but this time was different. Sitting in the office, knowing her girlfriend was undercover in such a high-risk mission, it was impossible not to picture the worst-case scenarios that could be unfolding at the exact time. Her stomach twisting at the awareness of everything they didn't experience yet—being an official couple at work; vows in front of their loved ones; holidays with their families; kids; her hands on Jane's body; Jane's hands on her body...Jane's hands on her body. If only she felt desire. If only love and wanting were enough. If only the small sparkles she was starting to feel were fiery enough. If only she weren't so afraid...The new scanty sensations were panicking her. She was too scared of mistaking passion for a manic episode, and be unable to restrain herself. It would be brutal to Jane, and Maura knew she would never forgive herself for it. Sighing, she turned off the shower.

Walking into the living room, the blonde stopped to look at Jane. She couldn't explain what was changing inside her, but it was as if she was seeing her girlfriend for the first time. Smiling, she walked towards her and sat on the couch's end—carefully stretching her legs over her lap and embracing her. Pulling the dark hair aside, Maura kissed her cheek gently and rested a hand on the detective's stomach. Instantly, Jane wrapped an arm around her and began stroking her knee.

M: "Your hair looks so good."

J: "They only trimmed the split ends, Maur."

Blushing, the ME administered more kisses on her face. Then, swiftly brushed her lips against the skin behind her ear—briefly shutting her eyes.

M: "I don't know what products they used, but you smell amazing...although I still prefer your lavender shampoo."

Pulling lightly apart, Jane gave her a quick kiss on the lips.

J: "What do you wanna watch?"

M: "Anything. I just want to cuddle."

J: "You've been so melty lately."

M: "Can't a girl just enjoy her girlfriend?"

As usual, Jane deliberately slipped her hand underneath the blonde's silk pyjama top but noticed something different. When her fingertips reached the smooth skin, Maura shivered quietly. Surprised with the reaction, the detective looked at her—slowly gliding her fingers from her stomach upwards, pausing before reaching her chest. Unsure of what to do next and trying to avoid pressuring Maura, again, by mistake, she observed her in hopes of getting some sort of clarity. For a few seconds, Jane could've sworn she saw her closing her eyes. The ME lightly parted her lips, and her breathing got heavier than usual. Amazed by the half-open hazel eyes and the flush gradually appearing on her chest, Jane pressed their lips together. Instantly, Maura gasped silently trying to bring their bodies closer. Unable to control herself and before knowing what she was doing, the brunette slid her tongue inside her girlfriend's mouth while reaching for her breast—gently trying fo feel all of it. Shit. Hearing the blonde exhaling louder, Jane swiftly held her by the waist and pulled her underneath her. Maura cupped her face and brought her closer, kissing her eagerly while adjusting her legs so she could lay easily between them. Shit. Clumsily pulling the blonde's pyjama above her chest, the detective resumed the touches from before, receiving a loud moan. Shit.

With the remaining self-control still left in her, Jane rested her face against her chest, trying to calm herself down. If they kept this way, everything would be over much sooner than what she wished for. There was no way she was going to rush this, no matter how hard she had to focus and fight her instincts. Shit. She couldn't believe this was actually happening. After a while, feeling one of the ME's hands reaching her hip while the other kept still on her shoulder, Jane tried to look into her eyes. The blonde kept hers closed and bit her bottom lip, gradually recovering her breath. When she opened her eyes, full of affection and passion, the detective began kissing her as deep as slowly as she was able to.

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