John Cena/Randy Orton

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Prompt: You're burning up

*Text Form*

C: Are you sure? You're the Champion, you got a lot to do remember?

R: But we haven't seen each other for a while and it's the pandemic, we can't perform anywhere besides the thunderdome or the performance center, that's it. I'm the one supposed to ask for your schedule, you're working yourself too hard to support us too, we both need a break. 

C: Ha ha, alright Mr. tough guy. I get your point. Fine, we'll still on tomorrow right? Don't forget your mask, and other health important things.

R: Okay mom

C: Mommy Issues much?

R: Don't tempt me...

Tomorrow came quick and unfortunately, Randy threw out his, 10th piece of tissue. "Damn it, why do I have to be sick damn it, I knew that the cold shower made it worse". 

His phone beeped as texts from his partner appeared, shit, he was late, where the heck the time went. What the -, he snapped from his thoughts and just rushed into shower, shit, there weren't no hot water. He cursed to himself as he did a speed run with the shower nd put on casual outfits, at this point, he didn't care.

He managed to grab his mask, and got his hands sanitized, sped off, texting back John. He was screwed at this point. He was late, he was sick, shit, more importantly he was late, 30 minutes late. 


John already booked a place and he was actually nervous to see Randy, he wasn't sure why it's awkward now. 

It kind of felt like it was their first date all over again. He was sure they thought they were just going through a phase to the point of 'Friends with Benefits', but Randy thought that they should be better because Randy really kept his word on what they're going through and kept the ship going. 

"Hey, sorry I'm late, kind of snoozed the alarm". Randy opened his mask, and got out his handkerchief to wipe his sweat, not sure from his fever or what. "You look great as always by the way". 

John scoffed by the compliment, "Flattery will not get you anywhere Randal. You alright? You're sweating already". Randy continued to dry himself, "Well I uhh, I'm okay, really, it's fine". 

John slowly nodded, "Okay, umm, what you want? It's on me". Randy smirked, "Please, I'm the one who planned this date, might as well it's on me Jonathan". 

After they ordered, Randy was trying to keep his posture, cool, because right now, he was feeling miserable as hell. He wished he was in bed but damn it, he wants to be with John, this date was planned for months and he was not letting his sickness takeover and ruin this. 

However, listening to John talk about his recent acting in new and more movies to come have helped pushed those sick thoughts away for a while and really put up a smile on his face. 

"Randy? Were you listening? Because your smile said no". Randy scoffed, "Listening only 10% but yeah, your smile lights up my whole world". John flicked some of the food to Randy, "Ha ha, very funny John". 

John stood up and leaned in to clean up the mess, "Randy, you're okay? You're burning up right now". Randy gulped, "I uhh, damn it. I'm actually feel a bit sick, might caught a bug or something and I showered with cold water, made it worse, don't worry, I'm not having the virus or anything if you're worried about that". 

He sighed as he continued, "I really don't want ruin today, we have been planning for months that if I ruined this, we wouldn't see each other again for the next few months or longer". 

John flicked his forehead, "Dumbo, we would have hanged at your hotel room and get room service, I don't really min where we have to meet, but at least that we can still see each other safely with this pandemic around us. So what do you say?"

Randy nodded, as they both got out of the place and drove back to Randy's hotel room. "Alright, you need anything before I come up?" 

"I don't know, painkillers, your ass, maybe lube and condoms". 

"I'm leaving then". 

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry, just messing with you that's all". As soon as Randy opened the door to his room he was already feeling all dizzy and he just threw himself to the bed, head throbbing and not caring he was already sweating, his body just shut down and wanting to charge like a piece of technology. 

Randy woke up, his head was less throbbing but exhaustion was still strong for him when he tired to get up. he felt a small weight on hi side, it was John, napping beside him, changed his outfit, wait he's wearing Randy's clothes. Randy nudged John to wake up.

"Hmm? You're awake? How you feeling? Any better yet?"

Randy smiled, always so caring, always put others first than himself. "A bit but maybe another day off should be okay". John nodded, "Good idea because I'm taking another day off so I can take care of you", and with that Randy laid back down, "It takes for me to get sick just to spend more time with you huh?" 

John scoffed as he laid back down as well, "You're lucky I love you, you know that? And I'm wearing your shirt, which is about it be ripped if you don't buy me a bigger size". 

"Well, if your ass wasn't bigger, then maybe you fit my pants". 

"Push it and I will leave you dry". 

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