John Cena/Randy Orton

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Prompt: (I'm right here all along, but you still can'tsee me)

Everyday you have to wait on someone, it hurts thought because you are afraid that you will lose feeling, hope all your efforts and patience are worth it, but was it all vain?

Same goes for John, ever since he had met Randy, he had never thought he was falling for the man, who he grew up with, travelled with, had matches with, tag or rival, ups and downs, but John knows, he can never get Randy because Randy will never see him that way, but one thing he was curious, why Randy couldn't see him? He was there all the time but Randy never see him or notices the changes in John, btu every time people mentioned John to Randy, Randy either lose his smile or walk away. "I'm right here, I've been here all along but you still can't see me".

He doesn't know why so he kept trying, there were few hopes and disappointments but like his motto. He never gave up, everyday he kept trying and trying, eventually it was all going down when Randy met Kim, he was happy for him but he was upset at himself too. Not sure what was wrong, or was he too late, or should he had been trying harder or would he have told Randy about his feelings long time ago.

However, despite all that, it was nice to see randy being happy, a husband, a father too, it was a nice sight to see, he didn't mind not being there for it, nothing to complain much. Everyday he checked the status, they had a new child together, cute too, Randy was always good with the kids, same as John, sometimes he wondered how they look like with kids of their own, adopt of course, well, John would like to get pregnant but it is what it is.

In the end, he always reminds himself that Randy is happy and he should too. Not sure what happened after but he could hear Rnady talking to himself at one point but didn't catch what he was saying. Every thing was white noise to him.

"Can't say the same but I really miss you everyday. When they said your name, I just wanna hold you, but I can't, not anymore, but I'll do you proud". Rnady sighed as he put the flowers he just bought on the tombstone of a person he wished he never left from this world. John.  

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