John Cena/Randy Orton

91 2 1

Prompt: Leave Me Alone

Right now, Randy is feeling the burn out from all the work and he wanted a gooddamn vacation but the storyline that he had with Bray was too good to last just like that and it kept going on and on but he was now getting exhausted.

With everything still rolling, all he wanted was rest but it won't be resting with his boyfriend around, and the one person he needed the most isn't there for him when all these happened. They had tried to be at least being together for quite few times but both men schedules weren't letting them anytime soon. John had promised Randy that he could try clear up his schedule too many times and within those too many times and within those too many times, there always more work piling on him more to fill in those gaps John had made.

Randy gets it, his boyfriend is so much famous now, always being there for everyone but he wasn't there for Randy, he was now left alone. With the negative thoughts coming into him that he was no thinking that no one cared, he may be having anger issues, temper whatsoever but he still have a heart too and it indeed cause him to be more mentally exhausted and he was lonely especially without John around.

Then come one day, finally John managed to keep his schedule empty for the rest of the weekend and he called Randy first hand and finally Randy actually felt so relieved that he finally can be with John. Luckily he was able to take a break ever since the fireball incident.

They then meet up at a small diner, nothing too fancy, just the company that matters and the two collided with a huge hug, "I miss you so much".

"I miss you too". Randy took his time, people would assume John would be clingy but actually it's the other way around, it was the good clingy type, not the bad one, more likely to be controlling but no. John too took his time during his embrace as well and inhaled Randy's scent. He misses that cologne of his.

The two were still hugging until Randy heard a stomach growl, it sure ain't him then it must be "You hungry aren't you, John?"

John let out a nervous laugh as the two broke their embrace. "Yeah, I was so excited to see you that I forgot to eat". Randy shook his head, "well come on big boy, you're gonna get stuffed".

The two sat down and ordered mostly comfort foods and they took pictures together, finally having this date really meant everything to the two

"So Mr. Hollywood, your crazy schedule had really been driving me real crazy so tell me about it". John was glad to from A to Z he goes. At this point they didn't care how much time they had been talking, mostly John of course. Even they had finish their food, they continued their conversation but slowly Randy fell himself getting tired by the another moment, he wasn't sure why but hearing John talk about himself kinda felt he was going to be pushed away.

As if he needed to let out what he had felt during those time when John was away and it really did took a toll on him. John kept talking wasn't making the situation any better as he got up "Randy, are you okay?"

Randy took a few deep breaths as he walked away. "Just leave me alone for a while. I'II be in the car, I'II text you when I need you". John didn't try to chase him, he knew if he did Randy would RKO him on the ground John sighed as he wanted, what did he do wrong? Was it because he talked too much? Oh, he talked about him and his life so far but did he even try to ask about Randy.

Great, he guessed he was a bit selfish when he was yapping and yapping the whole time. He now then felt his phone vibrated, it must be Randy. Yeap. He paid for the food and everything and went to Randy's car.

He got in and Randy was lying down, adjusted his chair on a lying position, he could hear Randy was still holding on to his tear but he was still shaking. John gave him time to put himself together before he could say anything.

Once Randy had calmed himself down, he looked at John, "I'm sorry".

John cut him off, "don't apologize for what it is you're feeling. I was selfish back then even it was you who wanted me to talk about my life that I should have maybe stopped and asked about yours as well. I'm guessing you had bot been doing great huh?"

Randy nodded." I'm just so tired that the smallest at things kinda sets my temper and I didn't mean to explode on you back there, that's what I mean".

John shrugged, "It you ever need on outlet to let out, you know I'm always a phone call away I don't care if I was at work, you're my priority, okay?"

Randy sighed, "Do you realise you're too good for me? How did you put up with my ass all this time?". John shrugged, "Ups and downs together, right? Nothing new, so wanna talks about you?". Randy nodded as the two sat in the car and john paid attention from the start, noticing, talking notes on every word Randy said and Randy was indeed getting tired and he deserves to take a break but with the storyline he's in, they're not stopping until it ends.

After letting it out, "Too much to take in?"

"Of course not, I'm sorry you had to go through all that and I'm glad managed to take a break and with me at course. I'm gonna spoil you to the core with relaxing stuff, we are not going to mention any work stuff while we're at it, understand?"

Randy nodded, "Good, I got tons of plans at what I wanna do to your ass". John got out of the car and gave a middle finger to Randy. "Fuck you", and left to his car.

Randy smirked, as he rolled down his window, "I will". He shook his head and laughed, finally feeling good after what happed, and he would spend most of the time with his partner.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2021 ⏰

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