Seth Rollins/Finn Balor

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Title: I swear to god, if you die on our way back, I'll kill you. 

Seth admits, watching his love of his life involved in the MITB match wasn't a good sight but he had to show support no matter what and it wasn't pretty as he thought it would be. 

When Andrade sunset flipped Finn through the ladder, all Finn felt was pain and nothing else. But his determination made him got up and continued the fight but in the end, he lost.

Now, the next problem is walking back to the locker room, back to Seth. He limped his way back and the first person he see after walking through the curtain was Seth, immediately his legs failed him and collapsed on Seth. 

"Woah hey, babe!" Finn was just lost in dreamland, he passed out on Seth's arms. With that, Seth immediately carried him back to the locker room. "I swear to god, if you die on our way back, I'll kill you". Soon the trainers helped him and some time later, Finn was up, with bandages around his ribs, and other parts where it hurts. Unfortunately he was quiet after that. 

Then another time, he managed to do an interview and walked back to the locker after. Seth was worried because he was so quiet. "Hey, umm, you alright?"

No answer.

"You don't want to talk about it huh?"

No answer again, it wasn't driving Seth nuts but he knew, he gets why Finn was quiet. He was just tired with everything that has happen, he should need a good break and he did, Seth managed to talk to Hunter about getting Finn off the TV for a week or two or more so that Finn could go back to things were. Of course, he missed seeing Finn smile, his childish smile, like a 5 year old he is. 

Soon after the PPV, both Seth and Finn were back to the hotel they stayed in, after a small dinner and shower, both laid to bed, Seth wrapped his arms around Finn from behind. "Listen, I know the match really hit you, right now, you rest, and tomorrow we'll do things what you want okay? if you wanna go somewhere, we'll go somewhere, just, wanna make you feel happy again". 

Once Seth wanted to shut his eyes, he felt Finn turned and cuddled him hard, and the last thing he heard before he sleep was "Thank you". 

evil_mandy mew mew

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