Denial (Timothy Thatcher/Chris Brookes)

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(A/N: A little inspiration from Chris's instagram Story and add in a little more angst and here we go. Credits to a friend of mine of adding in some ideas. evil_mandy)

The word Denial itself is a tough to swallow, when things crash down to you, you're in denial that is happening to yourself, this applied to Timothy Thatcher or Tim for short. Things went quite awesome for him. Winning the WXW championship

This comes to Chris Brookes, Timo may have few words left unsaid because he has feelings for his travelling partner, former tag team partner..

The next week wgere he was supposed to meet Chris, he was prepared of telling him everything of how he feels and set an adrenaline inside him. There he was sitting in the corner like the usual.

"H-hey Chris".

"Hey Tim".

"Just wondering...I mean thinking about you that's all".

"Miss me already huh?"

"Listen, I want to like talk to you about something... Do you ever think abiut if we're more than friends?"

"Best friends?"

"N-no, I, a couple to be exact".

Timo was mumbling the last few words, damn it. He was prepared. When Chris wanted to say something, Lucky came in and he didn't looked the usual. Somewhat depressing.

"Timo, we need to talk".

Timo reluctantly got up from his seat, "we'll talk later okay?"



"Who were you talking to?"


"Like our chris?"

"Lucky, who else is Chris than Chris Brookes".

Lucky looked down, "T-timo, Chris died few hours ago. Car crash, he was supposed to be here but the hospital called and....he died on the spot".

Timo gulped as his head started spinning and he could just scream at this point. "No, you're playing with me, stop playing with me".

Lucky shook his head as he took his phone out and showed him the crash scene. "He was in there timo!".

Timo groaned in frustration, he was indeed in denial and walked away, when he came back to the locker room. He packed his bag and told Chris to meet him in the car.

Later he drove off from the arena with Chris, or his ghost. Soon as he stopped somewhere. " even here?"

"What do you mean?"

"Just. Answer. The. Damn. Question".

" I? The last time I saw was another car right beside me".

Timo bit his lips hard, but not enough to bled. "I-I'm sorry".

"What for?", Timo looked at Chris, he was still real to him at this point.

"Not telling you how I feel for you".

Timo sighed, " you".

"I know. I love you too. Always been".

Timo gripped the steering wheel as he held on to those tears. His eyes were all blurry from it.

"You can cry, there's no one here".

Timo shook his head. "Save it for tomorrow...I guess. Can't believe you're gone, I just thought you be with me for more years to come".

Chris sighed, "I'm sorry. I didn't expect it either but i mean what i said, I really do like you, even before you tell me this. Glad you returned my feelings".

Timo finally looked at him in the eye and Chris was smiling, so peacefully. "So that means I can haunt you guys now? I can haunt Lucky, that be cool".

"Should you uhh...go or something?".

"I don't know yet..but I want to know if you're gonna be okay?"

"I'll be...I'll send some flowers tomorrow".

"You better."

"I know. I love you?"

"I love you too timo".

With a blink of an eye, Chris was gone. Forever but not forgotten. Timo felt his lips turned to a smirk but his eyes said otherwise. He started screaming in the xsr, punching the dashboard, basically letting out the bottled up sadness. He didn't want to show that way when chris was around.

It took a while for him to calm down, takig few deep breathes and took out his phone. His phone beeped with a recent notification, he smiled and drove away the night.

"This is awkward but I love you. Bye".

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