Zack Gibson/James Drake (Fluff/Smut?)

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Happy Birthday to Liverpool's number 1 Zack Gibson!

James was just finishing ordering a small cake for his Best Friend/Tag Team Partner/Crush. They have been travelling around the world together and basically inseperable since then. Now they were Multi Tag team champs and deserve a good period of break before going back to the road.

Zack was basically on the floor sitting while watching the television. He was in his own world when James laid down the cake.

"Happy Birthday Zack buddy!". Zack was indeed surprised. "Oh wow, thank you, you know you didn't have to get me anything really".

"Nah man, you deserved it. Although I wish you deserve better than this small tiny cake I got you".

Zack smiled as he pulled in the table as the two sat down.

"Make a wish then, wish like we be forever tag champs, something like that". Zack was practically staring at James, his smile always...makes him smile. He couldn't tell why at first but he really took a liking on the other man.


Zack just leaned in and laid his lips on James. He was quite nervous when he didnt get the response but soon again, he was indeed surprised how James just pushing himself, kissing Zack back and started straddling him.

When they pulled away for a breath. They were just satring at each other for a few seconds and James just looked down, letting his hair covered his red blushed face. Zack brushed them away, "what's wrong?"

"I...wanted that for quite a while now..I just didn't think know".

Zack smiled, he is definitely cute when he acts like that. He sighed, "I would say the same, I just didn't think you felt the same". They both laughed for a while and still in the same position.

"Hey, blow out the candle man, it'll melt". Zack then blow.

"You didn't make a wish?"

"My wish already came true. It's with you forever, tag team champs or not. I want to be with you".

James slapped his shoulder. "Stop being cheesy Gibson".

"Hey! Slap me like that, I'll slap your ass".

"You wouldn't..."

Zack lifted up James, allowing the legs to wrapped around him as he pushed him to the wall. Zack then just attacked his lips, having his tongue pierce through James's lips. James was obviously feeling hot at this point, he would just tear his shirt. Zack pulled away, "Well I suppose that you don't have a surprise gift for me?".

James laughed. "If you're saying you want inside my pants then yes. That's your gift".

"Good. Let's open them shall we?"

(evil_mandy, I wasn't kidding when I said I wanted to write.)

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