˚✧₊⁎ Chapter 8 ⁺˳✧༚

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Ayeong's POV

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Ayeong's POV

I bid goodbye to both Riki and Jungwon and said good luck once more to Riki. Hyeora and I made our way to the cafeteria, grabbed our lunch, and sat down on a vacant table. "SooOOooO you and Riki ey." Hyeora smirked, "Whut?", "What do you mean whut, ya'll have gotten close. You even told him good luck for god knows how many times, aaaanddd you were kind enough to show him the way to the auditorium." , "That's nothing, I just led him to the auditorium because he was new and didn't know where it was, nothing else." I said and went back to eating my food while Hyeora just gave me an "uhuh" look.

I do wonder though, how Riki's try out is going, I haven't seen him dance but he has this aura that makes people around him just be in awe whenever they see him and he looks like he'll be a great dancer as well. I really hope that Jungwon doesn't go too hard on him just because he dislikes him, I deeply sighed.

"What? are you worried about Riki?" Hyeora mockingly asked, "Girl I- what? Am not.""Are too, speaking of the devil." Hyeora looked behind my back and I looked and saw Riki entering the cafeteria, he looked like he was looking for us so Hyeora waved her hand showing where we were.

Riki's POV

I quickly went out of the auditorium heading straight to the cafeteria hoping that I'd be able to have lunch with Ayeong and Hyeora. I got to the cafeteria and looked for Ayeong, I couldn't find them anywhere. I was loosing hope but I turned my head to the left and saw Hyeora waving at me from the very corner. No wonder I couldn't find them, I smiled at Hyeora and signalled that I will be grabbing lunch first. After I grabbed my food, I sat down beside Ayeong.

"Hey aren't you gonna ask me how I did?" I asked Ayeong, "And why would I?", "Ouch, you're being cold to me again. You should ask cause I'm your FRIEND remember?", "Ugh, fine how'd you do?" Ayeong asked dispiritedly. "Wow I did well, thank you." I scoffed but I also rubbed it off after a few minutes because I can tell she isn't a sociable person. After that happened silence came and then the bell rang.

Ayeong's POV

Riki sat beside me and he asked me why I wasn't asking him how he did at the try-outs, I replied coldly as always and he replied disappointedly as well. I'm pretty sure I just hurt his feelings, I am curious about how he did but being the "I don't know how to express my feelings" person just did not help. Then the bell rang.

Our last class finally ended and it's time to go back to my so called home, someone then texted me.

yAnG sHeEp 🐑

yAnG sHeEp 🐑

my oh so lovely Ayeongie~

bro uh... wtf?

yAnG sHeEp 🐑

sorry I won't be able

to go home with u today

since we have to evaluate the participants'

performances today :((

oh, so that's y

it's ok wonnie

I'm not a baby anymore so u don't have to

always go home with me

yAnG sHeEp 🐑

ty yeongiee

get home safe ok?

and don't sleep on the bus, it's dangerous

yeah yeah, don't worry I'll be fine

gtg, don't work too hard

and don't come home late :)

yAnG sHeEp 🐑

oki, you too <3

*seen at 3:18 PM*

"Ayeong I'll head out first, we'll have a family dinner later and I still have to get ready. Looks like Jungwon WON'T be able to take you HOME today *coughs* I'll go now, love ya" Hyeora winked, weird why did she emphasise "won't and home".

"Uhm hey... can I walk you home?" Riki asked, I was shocked to hear him say that and well it isn't that bad if he takes me home then of course I'll be able to get some sleep on the bus. "Yeah sure I guess." I replied and then Riki smiled, and I swear it may or may not be one of the cutest smiles I've seen my whole life.  Riki and I walked to the bus stop and waited for a couple of minutes. I tapped my card and payed for Riki as well, he looked shocked if I would say so myself.

"Why'd you pay for me?" Riki asked, "Nothing I just felt like it, by the way can you wake me up once we're at xxx stop?", "So that's your street, my street is just beside yours hehe.", "So will you wake me up or not?", "Oh uh yeah sure."

Riki agreed to wake me up so I shut my eyes to get a little bit of sleep.

Riki's POV

She's... crying?...


wow I wrote 812 words that's a first, I wanted to continue writing but I thought that if I continue this chapter would be too long so I just left a little cliffhanger for ya'll :)


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