Chapter 9

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I got my stuff together and walked down the hall slowly. My breath started to quicken and my heart beat was racing. I have never been in trouble before, well atleast not like this. My palms were all sweaty and I was starting to freak out! I walked through the doors and into the office.  I was told to take a seat and wait for the principal. I did and focused on calming down.

When the door opened Ashley walked out Brandon behind her. I could feel my anger begin to rise and tears being formed in my eyes. I wouldn’t let them see me cry. So I looked away. I could there eyes on me and I didn’t like it.

“Miss Hughes please come in.”

I stood slowly not looking at either of the traitors. I walked into the office trying to not cry. I held my head high and walked in. I closed the door behind me not really sure on what to do.

“Sit.” Said Ms. Martin. I did as she said. I put my hands in my lap and I stared at them waiting for her to talk. When she was quite for a few minutes I couldn’t handle it anymore.

“I-I’m really really sorry!” I stammered and I didn’t know what else to say so I just looked up and saw her staring. I wanted to cry and I was tempted to do just that.

“Don’t be sorry. Your not in trouble. I just need to speak to you about Ashley Hangman and Brandon Johnson.” I noded and she continued. “Do you feel comfortable with them remaining at this school?” She asked and gave me a look that said “Don’t you dare lie to me!” So I didn’t.

“I have no problem with them staying at the school. What happened, happened and I wont let it effect me or my school work.”

“Okay, excellent. Now as for you leaving campus yesterday” she said strenly. “I understand you were upset so I’m just giving you a warning. Do Not Let It Happen Again.” She said emphazing every word.  I nodded and agreed. She let me leave then. I walked out with a grin on my face. I was so freaking happy! I walked down the halls seeing as we only had 5 minutes left of class that I didn’t want to go to I went to the bathroom.

As I walked in I looked in the mirror. I reapplied eyeliner when Ashley walked out of one of the stalls.

“Jude, I am truly sorry. I didn’t mean to! We were drunk at a party. I didn’t know what I was doing and neither did he. Please forgive me.” She begged. I turned to look at her. She looked pathetic.

“You know what? I don’t care what the situation was. You had sex with him. Maybe if it was the first time this has happened I would forgive you, but its not. This is the 5th time you have had sex with my any of my boyfriends. I hope one day you realize your mistake. Until then I hope you have fun being a back-stabbing slut!” I said and walked out just as the bell rang. I walked down the hall saying hi to all my friends and checking out all the cute guys I didn’t before. One guy stopped to talk to me and we exchanged phone numbers. I smiled and winked as I walked away. Brandon was watching and as I walked by he stopped me.


Hey, Im sorry if there are any mistakes. Comment and Vote please.(: If you want me to read anything just send me a message and ill look into. Thanks.

OH and ill try to update sooner.

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