Chapter 2

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I looked for my phone, not taking my eyes off the road (please, I have seen way to many movies to be that stupid). I found the ringing phone and silenced it. I was not about to talk to anyone at this moment. I wanted to clear my head, I wanted to cry, and most of all I wanted to be alone.

I drove down the long curving road with trees covering most of it. I loved the way it looked. It reminded me of pictures. It was just so perfect. I was looking to my left looking for the secret entrance to the lake house my parents bought last year. I never understood why, we lived 30 minutes away, but at this time I was thankful for it. When I saw it, I made the sharp turn and turned on to the dirt road. I drove the two miles that were left until I saw the beautiful log cabin that had always made me so happy to see. I parked my truck and jumped out. I ran to the cabin and quickly found the key that unlocked the front door. I opened it slowly, and then ran to my room. I looked around the room and found it to be exactly the way I left it, my king sized bed was neatly made; everything was in its place. I ran to the dresser across the room and opened the top drawer. I grabbed the first bikini that touched my fingers and quickly changed. I didn’t grab shoes I just ran out the door and to the dock. I opened the boat house and ran to my jet ski. I started it and zoomed off.

I drove to the other side of the lake, and found the small river that flowed into the lake. I rode against the current and into the other side of the lake. No one was ever out here. The rumors of what people would come into scared everyone away.  To everyone there are trees coming through the surface of the water and you couldn’t get passed. To me, it was the opposite. I found the more beautiful part of the lake. The water was cleaner, there weren’t trees anywhere in the lake, just around, and the most amazing thing ever, the island. I rode to it. I pulled the Jet Ski on to the shore. Then I laid on the sand and thought.

Why did she do it? She broke her promise. She slept with him. She always did that to me. She slept with Brandon! I can’t believe that slut is supposed to be my best friend.

This is what was going through my head, repeating itself over and over again. I watched as the sky changed color.  When I arrived to the island, the sun was high in the sky, lighting up the world around me. Now the sun is sitting along the horizon, the sky has the lovely purple and the only orange in the world that I love. I was watching the sunset thinking about the back-stabbing bitch of a friend and the boy that has officially broken my heart when I saw an unnatural shadow.

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