Chapter 8

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I opened my eyes to a blinding light. I didn’t know were I was or what happened, until the memories of last night flooded though my mind. After my mom had bought up Lexi and I left the house i didn’t know what I was going to do or where I was going to go. I walked down to the beach and sat there. The memories or Lexi running through my head. I thought about how we would come here and sleep under the stars. How we would roast marshmallows in the fire I started. I needed to get her off my mind.

I ran into the lake not thinking about what a stupid idea it was. I wasn’t thinking. I just swam. I didn’t think about where I was going, how long I swam, or anything. The next thing I knew I was walking up the shore on the island. I was so tired. My eyelids were getting heavy. Once I was out of the water I collapsed on the sand. I fell asleep within minutes.

As I finished remembering what had happened I stretched. I knew I should go and apologize to my mom, so I ran into the water. As I swam back to the house, I was beginning to wonder how I got out here. It was such a long swim. Of course I had that adrenaline pumping through my blood, but still. I was getting tired and I was no where near the house! I flipped over on my back and kicked my legs gently. As I stared at the clouds, I began to think about Jude. I knew I shouldn’t. Its only been a day, and I didn’t even know the girl.

I thought about how I wanted to be with her. I was going to make that happen.Maybe I shouldn’t wait to text her. Maybe as soon as I got home I would text her. After I apologized and made mom and I something to eat I promise I will text her. With that on my mind I got the strength to make my way home. I reached the house in no time.

As I ran up to the shore I didn’t stop to dry off. I ran up to the house and opened the door. I saw my mom in the kitchen her back to me. I ran up behind her and hugged her, not even bothering with the thought I was wet.

“I’m sorry mom. I over reacted last night. I promise it wont happen again.” I said and kissed her lightly on the cheek. She turned around and hugged me whispering in my ear she was sorry also. I hugged her tighly and pulled away. I turned to the stove and turned it on. I got out the eggs and bacon. I made scrambled eggs, my moms favorite, and bacon. She was very happy.

I ate with her making her smile. I reminded her of our happy memories and promised her one day soon I would take her out for a picnic. We also had great times on our picnics. We would fly kites, swim, pick flowers, and always laugh. I knew it would make her happy. We may be slightly rich, but the simple things in life made us the happiest.

After we ate I ran upstairs and decided on  a shower. I walked into the bathroom and turned my shower on, when I remembered the promise I made to myself. I ran to my room and picked it. It was dead so put it on the charger and turned it on. What popped on the screen was something was impossible. I was so shocked. I dropped on my head and just stared at the message.

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