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"the world is full of monsters with friendly faces and angels with scars."

Heather Brewer

Persephone walked into the police station

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Persephone walked into the police station. Dick had forgotten his lunch again. The first time it happened, Persephone wasn't sure if he wanted her to bring it into him, worried it would kill his rep too much. So, she texted him for advice. What she hadn't expected was Dick to practically beg her to come in saying how terrible the local food was and how much he wanted to see her. Despite being married for two years, they were still in the honeymoon phase, which had been true ever since they started dating.

So with the number of times in the past month Persephone had done this, no one paid her much attention except to wonder if they could have her permanently employed. They much preferred the Dick they got when Persephone was around. Compared to the dark and grumpy asshole they usually got.

Persephone didn't realise that Dick had gotten a new partner, who he had immediately snubbed as she walked in. 

Now, no one in the office could deny that the two are in love. You could see as both their faces lit up when they sought the other. They could see as Dick genuinely smiled at Persephone. They watched as Persephone picked up her pace till she reached Dick, at which point she pulled him in for a hug before kissing him.

To say that Amy was confused was an understatement. she lent over to the two older cops, "what's all that about?"

"She's his wife. You will only see him look happy when she turns up." Jessica answered, "boy, where we surprised when she first came in here."

"Why don't you make her his partner instead?" Amy asked.

"She works as a florist," Manny replied this time.

"I'm sorry she works as a florist?" The shock in her tone was evident "how did Mr Grumpy I work alone marry a florist?"

"Don't look at me. I'm just as confused as you." Was all he said.

Persephone had Given Dick his lunch and was walking out. She was begging to suspect that he only forgot it so that she would come in and give it to him. Not that she minded, It was sweet. 

When she saw a new lady who she hadn't seen before, looking dumbfounded by Persephone's presence, Persephone did what any person would do and gave her a gentle smile in return before walking out.

"Well, that was strange," Amy muttered.


Dick was late, and Persephone was worried. He got off work two hours ago. He had texted her when he was supposed to get off, saying that he might be late. Persephone didn't think that he meant 2 hours late.

When the door finally opened, Persephone was relieved, but it turned to anger. Heading towards the door, as she yelled at him, "what were you thinking being out so late? You should have sent me a message. I was so worried about you. you may not care about your safety, but I do!" The rest of her lecture died on her tongue as she saw Dick in his robin get up. "oh honey," she whispered, going up to him and engulfing him in a hug. "I thought you left this behind?" Dick looked at her sheepishly, "let me guess." She muttered, "the pull to do good was too strong." Dick nodded wordlessly at her. He felt terrible. "do you need help?"

"Yes, please" Dick felt awful. He had let Persephone down. Dick had said he would stop. He told her he didn't want to do it anymore and wouldn't have anything to do with it. They could have a peaceful life, and look what had he done. He had donned the mask again.

Dick started taking off his costume, passing the pieces to Persephone as she cleaned them and put them away. She hadn't looked back at him yet. He knew he was in trouble. She didn't mind him being Robin, being a vigilante was part of Dicks story. It was going back on his word after he said he wouldn't do it again without telling her, and when he did do it, not warning her that he would be back so late. So yes, Dick was in trouble. 

Upon hearing the whizz of one of his shurikens spinning through the air before sinking into the fabric of his punching bag, Persephone finally turned around, "you better have not hit one of my plants." A livid bruise on Dick's chest met her. "you poor thing," she sympathised before quickly running off to get the medical kit, "you didn't say you were hurt." Persephone came back and helped him with his bruises before sending him to bed, "just be glad I'm not making you sleep on the sofa!"

Dick just laughed in response as they headed to bed.


Persephone hummed as she watered the Lilys. It was possibly not needed, but it kept up the pretence that she was a normal florist and not the daughter of Poison Ivy, who could make flowers grow at a whim. As Dick said, 'It's always best to fit in and look normal.'

She must admit that she did use her powers in her shop. How did you think that she always had the flowers that people wanted? all she had to do is pop in the back and make some grow. This meant that her profit margins were amazing!

So when the door clattered open frantically, setting the bell ringing, Persephone expected that some boyfriend had forgotten his girlfriend's birthday (Thankfully, Dick had never done that!). She was not expecting worried Dick with a crying girl who then threw herself at Persephone. She rocked back gently on her heels to accommodate the sudden force of the young girl. She softly cooed while rubbing the young girl's blue hair, looking up at Dick to ask him what he had done. Dicks only response was to look offended. Persephone motioned at Dick to flip the sign to closed as she shuffled with the sobbing teen to the nearest sofa, Thankfully it was above the shop as Dick and Persephone lived above the shop.

Persephone comforted a crying girl who she found out was Rachel as she spilt everything to her. When Rachel had calmed down Dick, told Persephone that he planned to take Rachel to Hank and Dawn. "That seems like an amazing idea. I have meant to call Dawn for a while. It will be much nicer to see her. It has been so long." Persephone liked the idea of seeing Dawn again.

"Well, it's settled, then you go pack the bags while I get the car ready."

"What about Rachel? she doesn't appear to have any clothes with her."

"Can she fit in any of yours?" He asked

"I will pack some of my underwear for her and some spare clothes that she may fit."

"perfect, I'm off to the car."Persephone headed into Dick and her room to pack three small bags, one of which was for clothes that may fit Rachel. Dick and her then put them in the car before going and getting Rachel.

They all headed downstairs."This is yours?" Rachel asked the pair

"Family heirloom." was Dicks only response.

"From the circus?" asked a confused Rachel making Persephone chuckle.

Dick just responded with a rye, "Not the one you're thinking." To which Persephone burst out laughing, confusing poor Rachel.

Rachel clambered into the back as Dick got in the driver seat and Persephone in the shotgun position.

Rachel leaned forward between the quietly chatting adults. "Where are we going?"

"To see some old friends," Persephone said at the same time as Dick said, "Somewhere safe."

Rachel nodded, not fully content with the answers it was good enough for now. "My mom says there's no such thing as monsters. I think she was wrong."

"I disagree with both of you. There are monsters." came Persephone's soft reply. "But you are not one of them. If you think you are, then I wonder what you would think of the real monster of our world."

Persephone 🌻 Dick GraysonWhere stories live. Discover now