Dick Grayson

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"We are each our own devil, and we make this world our hell."

Oscar Wilde

After a strange man appeared and healed, Gar Persephone wasn't expecting Dick to appear in the living room suddenly

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After a strange man appeared and healed, Gar Persephone wasn't expecting Dick to appear in the living room suddenly. Dick seemed to be stuck in a trance as he just stood there.

Persephone didn't realise that she was in Dicks trance. The two had a son called Johnathan, and Persephone was pregnant with their next child. The thought that Dick did want kids would have warmed Persephone's heart. But she didn't know any of this. All she could see was Dick standing there. Black veins came from Dicks eyes as his beautiful eyes turned pitch black.

Persephone, who was desperately trying to get Dick's attention, was joined by Rachel. The two stood in front of Dick, pleading with him to answer them, move, or do anything to show them that he was there.

"Let him go!" Rachel shouted at her father as Persephone held onto Dick.

"This was not my doing." Rachel's father told them as she slowly walked towards Rachel. "This was his. I offered your friend a path that wound down many roads, but he ultimately chose his own way. To embrace his darkness rather than deny its existence. This was his struggle." Trigon finished as she put his hand on Rachel's shoulder, "he tried to flee from who he is, from what he is."

"Dick." Rachel tried again a trigon pulled her away from Dick. Persephone was still hugging Dick and whispering into his ear, hoping that something she said would snap him out of it.

"I've released your friend from a terrible burden." Trigon told Rachel as he pulled her back, and Angela walked around, "I love him as you do because you do."

"And with Trigon's blessing, he's part of the family now," Angela added

"Oh, Rachel..." Dick states, causing Persephone to step back. This voice wasn't her, Dick, "It feels so good to be home. You'll see. They'll all see."

Persephone stared in horror at her husband's body as the person talking was certainly not her husband.

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