chapter thirty-eight

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I felt my heart flutter inside my chest.

"What does this mean then?" I asked sitting down on the grass caressing the thin blades.

"I'm not sure. Contrary to popular belief, I'm not famous amoung the women," He said sitting down next to me.

"It doesn't take a genius to figure that out dumb dumb," I mumbled.

"Yeah but it hurts more when you point it out," He replied.

"How am I to know that I have so much power over someone," I said smugly smirking.

"I have the same power over you, you know," He responded.

"Oh do you now?" I said laughing. "Show me how you can use this said power over me."

As soon as I said this, he got up and walked into the house, not even saying a word.

I was tempted to get up and follow him, but that was all apart of his plan to control me.

I just sat on the grass, watching the cars drive carelessly by.

Soon enough, Tommy came back outside, immediately sitting down next to me.

"Was that you're plan to manipulate me?" I asked smirking.

"Maybe woman, I thought that you would've followed me inside. Tubbo has just been sitting inside watching the movie without us," Tommy said laughing.

"That seems like something he would do," I said laying down, gazing upon the sky.

"Why do you like going outside so much? The insects are disgusting," Tommy complained.

"Trust me, I think that they're are gross as well. But I've just gotten used to them. But their shiny crusty legs creep me out," I said shuddering.

"You're so childish sometimes. You know that right," He said.

"Says the person who talks to a computer daily talking about discs and "Dream is a maniac and he's trying to kill me." At least-,"

I stopped mid-sentence. I couldn't think of anything rude to say as an insult.

"What, does a cat have your tounge? The queen of insults doesn't have anything to say because she's in love," Tommy teased, patting me on my head.

"Shut up, I know you like me too. And yes, it's that obvious. You simp," I said patting his head in return.

"Don't you dare call me that word again. I am the exact opposite of a simp. You see i don't have to try hard to impress you. To prove that I am not a simp, I will throw dirt at you," He said grabbing a handful of it.

"Don't Tommy, I don't want to have to clean my hair again. Betty picked me and got me all slimy," I whined, backing away from the boy relatively quick.

"Its the only way Cam. I must prove that I am no simp. And I am a man of my word," He said grimly.

I bolted into the house screaming, "Mrs. Simons, Tommy chasing me with a handful of dirt and is trying to throw it at me."

"Tom, you know the rule about what can enter the house. Dirt is not one of them," She said strictly.

"Mum, but she said i was a simp," He whined.

"Well, are you? From the little bit I've talked to Cam, she seems like she knows what she's talking about," His mom said monotonously.

"You're supposed to be on my side, not hers. She already has Tubbo, now you. This isn't fair," He said rubbing the into my hair.

"Thomas, that was so mean," I yelled, grabbing a pillow.

"It was worth it. Mother I'm sorry for doing that. I just couldn't resist it," He apologized.

"Well, you'll have to clean it up by yourself. And no help from Cam," She said walking into her room.

Once she closed the door, I turned to the boy saying, "I'm gonna kill you now. I have to wash my hair," I said throwing a pillow at the boy.

"I don't think that you have the guts to kill me, because it would just kill you," He said smirking.

"Shut up," I said putting my hand over his mouth.

"So does this fighting mean that you're dating? Or would this mean that Cam is literally going to kill you Tommy?" Toby asked.

"Yeah Tommy what does this mean?"

Word Count~710

A/N: Okay so thank you all for 100k reads!!!!!! Like what. And I thought that the best way to celebrate was to do a face reveal. The photo showing what Cam's outfit is is actually me. I want to thank you all for this wonderful platform. It has truly been amazing!! I love you all and will probably update again tomorrow!!

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