Breaking the ice ( page 3 )

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You: Ah!- *jolts back*

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You: Ah!- *jolts back*

You swiftly move your left foot backwards to avoid the sizzling grease from creating a slight burn.

Turning your attention back to the stove, silently cursing at the party wings that are frying inside of the pot in front of you.

You: Weird time to make this right now but,...*tilting your head down, staring and your flat, empty tummy that's screaming to be fed*...Cant really ignore that, can I.

*A small sigh escapes your plump lips.*

Now turning your focus back to the wings that are floating around in the searing grease, evolving into a crispy golden color.

Your right arm stretches out to turn off the burner. You then reach up into the wooden cabinet above you to grab a plate for your warm wings to lay on-top of. Cleaning up the mess you've made, your mind that sits above starts to think about if now would be a great time to call him.

Back now facing the stove, your body begins to move to the still counter ahead of you. You sit down, picking up a wing to only quickly drop it back down on the plate since it's still hot.

You: *rubs your hands with a paper towel* I need to pay more attention...I guess I'll just find something else to do while they cool off.

Just as you were about to stand up, your phone vibrates in your back pocket. Reaching your hand to grab the phone to see whats going on, you're rather surprised at what you see.

 Reaching your hand to grab the phone to see whats going on, you're rather surprised at what you see

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There's no time to even think. But there is time to scan what you have on. You keep in mind that you only have a few rings left before the call drops.

You quickly move to the mirror to see if your hair and face is presentable enough to answer.

You: *stares at your flushed reflection, checking your hair and other things to spot any imperfections* This should be alright!

You pick your phone back up that was laying on the other side of the counter. Just barely making the last ring.

You: *Answers* H-hello!..

Cory: Hey! Good Morning...I wasn't sure if I should call now or later since it's early n' all...

You: Oh, its alright. I was thinking the same thing on my end actually.

You say while staring at the man you met the other night.

Cory: Well..first of all, *he says seaming to take a seat in some sort of chair, looking back at you in his screen* I'm glad you answered. *he ends his sentence with a sly, shy chuckle*

You: *you laugh a bit* Why wouldn't I?

Cory now tilts his head down, laughing, swaying in his rolling chair from side to side..seeming to be a little hesitant from what he was about to say

Cory: Well...*He pauses, looking away from the camera* It's because you're...really attractive to me, honestly.


You barely know who he is, but he still manages to capture your feelings in such a short amount of time. This really moves you to give him a chance if he ever ended up looking for one.


You: ..T-thank you..*You smile away from the camera*

Cory: *waves his hand to move that aside from the reason why he called* But we already knew that already. I wanted to ask if we could possibly meet up soon? Today if possible.

You: Sure! That'll break the Ice a bit more definitely.

You: Sure! That'll break the Ice a bit more definitely

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