It's Warming up ( page 7 )

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Cory reels into the drive way of his Home

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Cory reels into the drive way of his Home. As he pulls in closer to the garage door, it automatically opens allowing the vehicle space to come inside.

He presses his foot down on the break and then puts his SUV in park.

After taking the key out of the ignition, the lights inside come on. It's dim, but its warm presence against your skin tone makes it look as if you were glowing under a setting sun.

He swore that he could stare at you forever.

Cory: "That seat must be comfortable, Y/N."

He says in a deeply soft tone. Not loud enough to startle you out of your sleep, but enough to wake you gently.

Your eyes open from the call of your name. You look over at the man in the driver seat and give him a soft smile.

He chuckles a little from his comment just a moment ago.

Y/N: "W-...what's funny..?"

Cory shakes his head, dismissing it with a small smile.

Cory: "Nothing, Y/N."

You rise out of the comfortable position you were in and take notice of the hairs that are standing on your skin.

Y/N: "I'm a little cold..."

He swiftly opens his door and then proceeds to make his way over to the passenger side to aide you out of the vehicle. He then takes you by the hand and leads you into the warmth of his Home.

By a flip of a finger, the lights are now on in the kitchen.

Y/N: "Oh wow....This is.."

You were taken aback by how his place looked.

It was nice and very spacious, but not flashy...It seemed to have everything he needed to have a comfortable life style, a few expensive things here and there, but that was about it. It's very telling that he's a humble man.

Cory: *walks over to closet* "Pretty empty, isn't it..."

He says out loud while sliding off his jacket to then hang up.

You turn over to his direction after his voice snapped you out of your thoughts.

Y/N: "Empty...yes, but..." *continues to scan the home*

As you're gathering more words to say, he walks over to help you remove your jacket to then hang up along side his.

Cory: "But what?"

He says in a low tone as you both are now locking eyes with eachother. He moves in closer to you-closing in the distance between you both.

Your face becomes warm while also feeling chills racing through your body from his sudden smooth movements. He reaches for your zipper that's resting on the neck of your coat and gently slides it down for it to become un-done.

Y/N: "But...I-I can tell that you spend your earnings wisely..."

He laughs a bit at your comment.

Cory: "Well...can't say that you're wrong."

He escorts your coat next to his and closes the closet door shut.

Time skip ahead 3 hours

After a couple of hours combined with beverages that makes one a little loose and food that satisfies a slight crave, there's now a product of two individuals who are curious to learn much more about eachother.

Y/N: "Ya know..."

You pause for a second, picking up the wine glass that's to the left of you on the table, swirling it around in the palm of your hand while staring down into the liquid.

Cory is sitting infront of you, curiously waiting to hear what it is that you're about to say.

Y/N: "Why did you kiss me the other day?"

You ask while blushing, nervously peering into his eyes.

He sighs, looking away from you as he rubs the back of his neck.

You're a little more bolder than you usually are after having a couple of drinks, yet he still seems to remain the same as he was.

Cory: "Honest answers only, right..." *sighs*

He places his hands on his thighs and gathers himself to say,

Cory: "...I owed it to you."

His comment raised a brow.

Y/N: "Owed...?"

You break out into a laughter at his response as it didn't make any sense to you.

He rises from his seat and makes his way over to where you are. Pulling you into a tight embrace. This causes your eyes to widen, being shocked from all of his sudden movements.

Your shoulder where is head is now lying feels wet and warm from the tears that are streaming out of his eyes.

Cory: "Yes..."

He pulls away from the embrace just a little to face you.

Cory: "I am forever in-debted to you, y/n."

He cups the left side of your cheek and slides his right hand to rest on your lower back, staring into you he says,

Cory: "Every day has been a struggle for me mentally...I've accomplished everything that I could have imagined in life...I've got the house, the career, cars, family..."

He says, gripping you tighter,

Cory: "But I don't have you...What's the point of gaining the whole world but loosing my soul in the process...What's the point if I can't share it all with someone?"

"I want that 'someone' to be you."


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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