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The shriveled man approached the king and kneeled at his feet. Uther motioned for the man to stand. The man did.

"You requested an audience," his voice echoed through the spacious council room.

"Yes my lord. I'm afraid I have some troubling news concerning your noble fight against sorcery."

Uther leaned forward and narrowed his eyes. "Go on."

"There are rumors, sire... I-" he glanced up. His hands fidgeted nervously. "I'm afraid a Dragon Lord escaped the flames twenty years ago.

"A Dragon Lord?" Uther asked, alarmed.

"Yes, my lord. The Dragon Lord Balinor has been sighted along the northern border. He hides in Cenred's kingdom."

Uther stood suddenly and approached the man. "Are you absolutely sure?!"

"Yes, sire! I swear it! I know the man who saw him."

"You have proved your loyalty to Camelot. You will be rewarded. Sir Leon-"

"Here sire," Leon stepped forward.

"See to it this man has a bed for the night."

Merlin stood aside as Leon led the man past him. A Dragon Lord? He would have to ask Gaius about it later. He jumped slightly at Uther's sudden shout.

"How could he have escaped?!" He leaned over the council table, his brow furrowed and his fists clenched.

"Sire," a nobleman stepped forward. "I'm sure you are aware of the extreme threat Balinor poses if left alive. He threatens the very nature of your authority."

"I am aware," he began to stride toward the large doors. "Geoffry, search the records. I want to know anything that may help us find how Balinor escaped."

"Yes sire."

"Arthur." Uther motioned to his son.

"Yes father?" Arthur stepped forward so he walked beside his father. Merlin trailed just behind him.

"I want names. I want to know who helped him. I want them executed. Make it known to the people; anyone with any information who comes forward will be rewarded."

"I'll start right away father." Arthur was off, Merlin in toe.

Uther stared pensively out the entry hall window. It broke his heart when he had to order Balinor's execution all those years ago. The look of betrayal in his eyes when he realized Uther had no intention of making peace with the Great Dragon. For so long Uther had relied on his council and his guidance. His cheerful disposition could brighten Camelot's darkest days. Part of him wanted to make peace with Balinor but he knew that whatever Balinor once was to him, it was destroyed the moment Balinor sided with magic. How unfortunate.


Gaius had been acting strange ever since the council meeting. His face was in a perpetual state of tension and he seemed distracted with every task. Merlin had never seen him like this.

Gaius placed two dinners on the table in the physicians chambers and sat down. Merlin stared at him intently. Gaius raised his fork to his mouth and met Merlin's gaze.

"Merlin, It's rude to stare."

"Something's troubling you."


"No, not nonsense. You've been acting strange all day."

He looked away, "Eat your supper before it gets cold," he said.

It was clear to Merlin there was something on Gaius' mind but he didn't want to push it. He decided to drop it for now. The scraping of silverware against bowls filled the awkward silence.

"So..." Merlin tried. "What's a Dragon Lord?"

Gaius choked on his drink. Merlin handed him a cloth to wipe his chin.

"Gaius! What is going on with you?" Gaius shook his head. "Don't pretend! I know there's something." Merlin stood and collected the dishes. "Does it have something to do with the council meeting today? Something to do with a Dragon Lord? I know I thought-"

"Merlin," Gaius interrupted, slightly exasperated.

"Sorry," Merlin said.

"There are things that I don't know how to tell you. If I even should tell you."

"What do you mean?"

"Merlin, 20 years ago Camelot was a different place."

Merlin rolled his eyes. "I know."

"No, Merlin. I don't believe you do," he sighed. "Not only was Camelot a different place, we were all different people." Gaius sat down on the patient's cot and gestured for Merlin to sit beside him. "You view Uther as a cruel hypocrite. I once knew him as a kind and honorable leader. When Igraine died his hatred consumed him like it never had before. He targeted innocent people, children, and good friends as well."

"Who is Balinor?"

"He was an advisor to the king. A good friend, not only to me but to Uther as well. He was a Dragon Lord. It is a gift passed through families, the ability to speak to the dragons in the dragon tongue, as kin. When a Dragon Lord speaks to a dragon, they must listen. Uther betrayed his trust."

"But Balinor escaped," Merlin added excitedly.

"Indeed he did. I helped him."


Gaius smiled to himself, "I told you we were different people. I certainly had more spine."

"You still have plenty of spine Gaius," Merlin laughed.

"Thank you Merlin," he smiled at his ward. "I hope he can stay hidden."

"Maybe I can help-"

"No! Promise me you'll stay out of this Merlin."

"I'm just saying that-" Merlin tried again, confused.

"No. I don't want you getting involved."

Merlin nodded dejectedly. "Fine. I won't."

"Good. Don't you have a Prince to attend to?" Gaius made it clear the conversation was over.

Merlin groaned, "Unfortunately." He made his way to the door but stole one last penetrating look at his guardian before hurrying off to Arthur's chambers.

Gaius stayed on the cot, lost in thought. Ever since his nephew had stumbled into his chambers, he had feared something like this would happen. One thought was plaguing his mind. How could he protect Balinor from Uther? How could he keep Uther from discovering Balinor's son? At the moment these questions seemed unanswerable.

How could he keep Merlin safe? 

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