Try To Understand

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Merlin felt a chill sweep through his entire body. His blood turned to ice, his face paled, and his fingers twitched with power. His magic hummed to life as it prepared for fight or flight. Arthur's words echoed around his skull. Surely this wasn't the way it was supposed to be, this couldn't be the destiny the Great Dragon had spoken of.

"M- my magic?"

Arthur answered with a cold stare.

"What are you going to do with me?"

"You will help us apprehend Balinor."


"I am being generous, a chance to redeem yourself before your death."

Merlin stared at Arthur, eyes searching for any shred of the clotpole he knew. He was startled to be met by a familiar hard expression. Eyes furrowed and cold as fists clenched in rage. It was the look worn by Uther Pendragon as he continued to add bodies to his hateful genocide.

"Arthur-" Merlin felt his voice crack as hot tears welled up in his eyes.

"Don't call me that!" He grabbed hold of Merlin's shoulder and held him tightly against the trunk of a tree.

"You're hurting m-"

"You will wait here. You will not cause trouble. You will not try to run. In the morning more men will arrive to help us escort you back to Camelot where my father will decide what to do with you. And if you're thinking about using magic to escape just remember, it's not only you and Balinor my father would want dead if he knew the full truth."

Merlin's eyes widened. "You wouldn't!"

"I will do what I have to do to ensure the safety of Camelot."


"Do you understand me!"

Merlin was pressed even harder against the tree. He felt his feet dangle slightly above the ground. He squeezed his eyes shut but not before tears carved rivers down his cheeks. He nodded. The pressure on his shoulder lessoned slightly.

"I don't want to hurt Hunith. I can see her only crime is ignorance. I'm not sure my father would see it the same way." His tone seemed softer, more gentle.

"Please..." Merlin reached out. 

Arthur flinched away from his former servant's hand. "Do. Not. Touch. Me," he growled.

Merlin sank to the ground and buried his face in his knees. This wasn't happening... this couldn't be happening. He listened as Arthur's footsteps retreated in the direction of his knights. They stopped suddenly.


Merlin didn't move from his protective position on the forest floor.

"Merlin, why? Answer me."

The warlock picked his head up from his legs. His tearful eyes stung as they were reintroduced to the light. "Why what?"

"I thought I knew you."

"You do."

"No. No, if I really knew you... I would've noticed. I would have noticed something was wrong."

Merlin didn't dignify his statement with a response. 

"Where did you learn- no... no... I don't want to know- I can't know! Not yet, at least." He ran his hand though his hair as he paced the distance between two thin trees. He looked to Merlin. "For how long?"

"For... always."

"What do you mean, 'for always'?"

Merlin shook his head.

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