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Morgana drummed her fingers impatiently on her bedpost. Sunlight had just started to seep through the curtains but Morgana was already awake, dressed, and prepared to depart. The only thing missing was Arthur. He had agreed to meet her in her chambers at dawn.

"Where is he?"

"He'll be here. Merlin means a lot to him, even if he won't admit it," Gwen said as she stifled a yawn. As if on que, there was a quiet knock on the door. Morgana sprang to her feet to let in the prince.

"You're late!" Morgana hissed.

"I was... delayed."

"By what?"

"I had trouble finding... what I needed." Arthur tugged at the neck of his armor. "Merlin puts things away..."

"Here," Gwen grabbed the loose piece of metal and tightened it in place. "You're all set."

"Thanks," he said, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

Morgana rolled her eyes and pushed passed the two. Arthur followed close behind. "Take care Gwen, we'll be back as soon as we can."

"Make sure Gaius is alright."

"I will. Be safe." Gwen bit her bottom lip. "Please."

Arthur gave her a reassuring nod before catching up to Morgana. 

"The horses are ready?"

"All set. You packed the provisions?"

Morgana gestured to the bag she had slung over her shoulder. "Gwen managed to take extra this morning. It's not much but if we need more, we can always hunt."

"I thought you disapproved of such things."

Their footsteps echoed down the stone corridor. 

"You must have misunderstood me. There are certainly times I disapprove of you-"

They rounded a corner.

"Arthur? Morgana?


"My Lord?"

"What are you two doing up at this hour? And Arthur, I thought I left you with Gaius. You ought to be recovering."

"You- you did. He uhhh... he gave me something that cleared my head and I uh felt good enough to leave- leave there... Gaius' chambers. I left Gaius' chambers."

Uther eyed him skeptically. "I'm relieved, it seems the enchantment was truly lifted, but why have you risen so early today?"

"The morning is so clear! I thought it would be the perfect morning to watch the sunrise over the citadel!" Morgana smiled warmly. "Arthur offered to take me."

"I'm not sure I want either of you leaving the citadel at this time. I'm worried for your safety. Since we have Balinor's son-"

"Oh," Morgana said in fake surprise. "Arthur told me you apprehended the boy but... he isn't dead? I thought you would have taken care of him by now."

"In a normal circumstance, yes. But this is a delicate situation and it requires carful planning. The boy is more useful alive than dead. You surprise me Morgana. I thought we would have a disagreement about this."

"I-" Morgana laughed nervously. "Why would that be?"

Uther frowned. "You usually fight me when it comes to executions. Especially the younger ones."

"Well... this one enchanted Arthur! It's obvious he means Camelot ill."

"I'm glad you see it that way." Uther smiled proudly.

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