Season 2

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*A/N* This is not going to be the best story. I don't have too much of an idea for a plot, just something towards the end. Also, idk if anyone still ships Mattory in 2021. I only discovered Studio C in 2020 and so, I do, because I just discovered it. Also, this takes place in an alternate universe  where COVID doesn't exist and the Pandemic never happened, because I don't want to have to deal with all that. Thanks for reading if you are!

Matt's POV

We are in the office at my house, or should I say, the bachelor's house. All of us, JK Studios. It still seems missing because Jason isn't here. He left us to go back to Studio C, which we 100% support him, but we will also always take him back.

"Meese! What do you think?" Stacey calls, bringing back to the room. We are discussing the script for Freelancers Season 2. 

"About what?" I ask.

"Episode 3. In a last minute attempt to get the camera supplies, Ryan and Devin run to the store," Stacy explains. I nod. "On the way there, they get stuck in traffic and have a conversation. They end up reminiscing about something. We haven't worked out the details."

"Ok. That sounds good." Mal says. Everyone around the room nods in agreement.

"I'm not done," Stacey says, grinning like an idiot. "Then, they share a short, but sweet kiss." Stacey smiles wider and looks toward me and then Mal expectantly.

I keep a straight face, but on the inside, I pale. I pride myself in being an actor, especially right now. It has been years since I kissed Mal. The last time was for the Studio C Harry Potter and the Mirror of Erised *A/N Sorry, I don't know if this was the last time they kissed or not, this is the last time I remember. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.* Sometimes I reminisce about what it felt like to have her lips against mine. But to kiss her again, I couldn't imagine. We were good friends, and have been for ten years. I did not want to risk our friendship by admitting my feelings for her. Because I definitely have feelings for her. I read somewhere that if you are still friends after dating someone, you are either still in love or were never in love at all. I know in my case, I am still in love with her and I have always been. But I know she doesn't feel the same about me.

"Really Stacey?" Mal asked, a small smile on her lips. "You want to bring Mattory back?"

"Who, me?" Stacey feigns innocence. "No, I just want to introduce the world to Ryvin." We both stare at him. "I'm still working on a name." Mallory keeps staring, miraculously still not blinking. "Ok! fine, yes I want to bring Mattory back. You know I still ship it, and the fans will love it!"

"I have to agree there," Whitney says. Stephen nods.

"Why can't Stephen and Whitney's characters fall in love?" I ask. "And they are such a cute couple."

"Yes they are," Natalie says.

"Zona and Owen will be at home arguing about who's fault it was that the they forgot the camera equipment. All that's left is Devin and Ryan."

"Ok. I'm down," I say. "If it's what the fans want." It's also what I want.

"Okay, fine," Mal says.

"MATTORY!" Stacey yells.

I glance at Mal and lock eyes with her. She smiles and I can see a small blush fill her cheeks and I know that blood is also rushing to my cheeks. We both look away at the same time. It seems that no one else noticed our little encounter.

*A/N" Sorry this isn't the best chapter and that it is really short. I will try to update again soon, but I have school that takes up most of my time. The next chapter will be from Mallory's perspective. Please comment leaving me feedback and also if you have any ideas for this fanfic. We can write it together.*

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