First Date?

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This Chapter is dedicated to @heyitzmariz !!! Thanks for Reading and voting!!!

Matt's POV

I'm so stupid. What an idiot, I think to myself as I see the wheels turning in Mallory's head. I had just told her my feelings for her and she had a look of disbelief on her face. She clearly doesn't like me back. After what felt like forever, I turned around and started walking back into the house.

"Matt!" she called, and I turned around, dreading what she was going to say. I held my breath as she walked up to me. "I don't know what I want. But I will go out to lunch with you."

My heart fluttered and a small smile crept up to my face. She may not feel the same way about me, but at least she doesn't hate me. She smiled too.

Then, like it only happens in movies, we both leaned in. I wasn't sure who kissed first and who kissed back, it just happened. I put her hands on her cheeks at the same time her's went around me neck. The kiss only lasted for a second, but it was all I needed. It showed that she felt the same way. It made me so happy and was probably the best kiss ever.

When we both pulled away, I looked into her eyes and then down to the floor, a smile playing at my lips. With a new burst of confidence I said, "Tomorrow, 1 o'clock. Pizza place." I saw her nod and smile. 

As she turned to get into her car, she noticed something behind me, smirked at it, and shook her head.

"You're in trouble Matthew Meese," She said as she drove away. I wondered what she meant.

I turned around and saw Stacey standing at the doorway. He had a bewildered look in his eyes and a smirk on his face. 

"About time Meese!" He said and patted me on the back when I walked by.

"Don't tell anyone about this." I looked at him. "Please. We'll tell people if this goes anywhere."

Stacey reluctantly agreed right as Adam walked in. So, of course, Stacey had to explain what he wouldn't tell anyone. Adam was just as shocked as Stacey. I knew they were both going to start grilling me with questions I didn't have the answers to, so I just went up to my room to think.


I showed up one minute early to the pizza place. I didn't want to appear eager, but I had to get away from my house. Stacey and Adam kept trying to offer dating advice.

"Is that what you're wearing?" Adam had asked me as I was leaving. I was wearing blue jeans and light blue button up shirt, at least I think it was blue. I insisted what I was wearing was fine and left. 

Now I am sitting here fretting about my appearance. I wasn't wearing a t-shirt, because I didn't want to appear to casual, but the jeans were probably too much if she shows up in a dress or something. But if she shows up in short and a t-shirt, then I am probably too fancy. Ugh! Why was dating so hard? Is this a date?

She showed up exactly 28 seconds after 1, not that I was counting. She too was wearing jeans, but they were a darker denim color. She had a white shirt on and a black blazer, with the sleeves pushed up to her elbows. Her hair was the same as normal, blond and curly. I didn't want to be creepy, but I couldn't stop staring at her, she was so beautiful. I could feel the smile on my face. 

"Hey Mal," I said as she sat down. "You look great." Heat filled my cheeks. Man, I acted like a teenager sometimes.

"Thanks." She said as she picked up a menu. "So do you. To be honest, I had no idea how to dress for this."

"Me either!" I said, laughing, sort of happy that she had the same problem I did.

Talk was really casual for a while. We were both avoiding talking about what happened last night. Eventually though, she brought it up.

"So, we kissed last night," She said it so casual. "First time in a long time."

"Yeah," I said. "I kind of liked it." I regretted saying that and immediately looked down at my plate.

"Me too," she said. I looked up at her.

"You did?"

"Yeah. Matt, I know we haven't talked about it, but the reason I broke up with you because I was afraid of commitment. I really did like you and I was scared of that. I guess, a part of me just forgot that I still loved you." He cheeks filled with blush.

"Mal, I don't want to take things fast, but, do you want to be my girlfriend?"

"Yes. I would love to."


Thanks for reading! I hoped you liked it! I'm sorry it's short and my uploads are so far apart. Like I've said before. I'm kind of stuck on this story and I don't have a lot of ideas for it. 

I need your help deciding something. I will give you a few options. Please tell me which one you think is best.

1. I continue writing the story like this, where my ideas run dry. I am fine doing this, just don't expect the chapters to be the best. Feel free to give me ideas.

2. I do a time skip a few months. Matt and Mal are dating and it is time to film Freelancers and their kiss in front of people. I will probably do another time skip after that to my idea that I have for the end of the book. The problem with this is the story might feel rushed.

If I do the second option, I might write some of the missing months at the end of the book, if I get ideas.

Do you want any other POV, besides Matt and Mal? Please let me know.

This is a long A/N. Congrats if you've made it this far!

- Love Ya!!

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