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I'm SOOO Sorry!! I took a little break from writing and I was just reading fanfics instead. I promise you that I will finish this story, I have not abandoned it. It might take me years and years, there will be long breaks, but I will finish it.

Matt's POV

"Cut!" Jeremy's voice rang throughout the set of Freelancers season 2.

Everyone around burst out laughing. The last scene that we did had all of the actors struggling to keep it in while the camera was rolling. We got through it fine after a few tries, but that didn't make it any less funny.

"Okay, now it's time to set up for the Mattory scene!!!" Stacey practically screamed. His face shows that he has been waiting for this for a while. I rolled my eyes.

"Oh grow up Stacey!" Mallory said, laughing and giving him a light shove.

I took that minute to look at Mallory. We have been dating for about four months now. We try to go on dates every week and sometimes we just show up at each other's houses for impromptu dinner dates. Stace and Adam say it annoys them, but we both know that on the inside they fangirled everytime we kissed.

Despite going steady for a while now, we had managed to keep it a secret from everybody. Obviously, the  Bachelor's know, as do Natalie and Whitney, therefore Stephen knew too. I had told Jason, because he is one of my best friends. I kind of feel guilty that the rest of the gang didn't know, but we we're planning on telling them today.

As everyone scrambled to get the next scene ready, Mal kissed me lightly on the cheek. Stacey made aweing sounds.

"But seriously, the fans are going to love it." Whitney said, walking over to us.

"Change of subject," I start. "Jason said he wants to do another collab with Studio C. They want to try to get everyone who has ever been a cast member together."

"That would be so amazing!" Stephen said. "The ultimate reunion!"

We talk about this for a little while, and then the scene is all set up. It is just a little kiss, not very long at all. After all, this is a family show. It is a little uncomfortable with everyone watching, but it looks genuine. When we broke apart, Jeremy yelled cut and Stacey and Adam started cat-calling. 

Mal rolled her eyes, but I could totally see her blush.

"You two are just the cutest!" Stacey fangirled. 

"Well, it makes sense since they are dating," Whitney smiled. The two of us looked at her in betrayal. I can't believe she just announced that!

"Whitney!!!!!!" Mallory practically shouted at her.

"We already knew," everyone chorused at the same time. We both stared in shock at the people around us.

"It is really obvious," Stephen said. "And there are no secrets around this group anyway.

"Whatever," Mallory shoved Natalie, who was pretending to make kissy faces at us.

The group burst into laughter again when Natalie stumbled and almost fell.

As we all laughed and helped set up the next scene, I couldn't help but think of what great friends I have.

*Thanks for reading! I'm sorry about the long gap!!!!! I feel really bad about it, and I know it's probably going to happen again.*

Now, I need your help. When Studio C and JK Studios do their collab, they are going to do a skit with literally everyone in it. Everyone is going to be playing one of their most popular characters. I need your help deciding which characters to pick for some people. Just tell me which one you prefer. If there is no character, I need help finding one.

Natalie : Susan Weebers

Jeremy Warner: Just Jeremy

James Perry: Bisque

Whitney Call: Anne Whithers

Mallory Everton: Lady Shadow, Aww Yeah

Matt Meese: Shoulder Angel, Scott Sterling, Captain Literally, Kyle, Ecclestone

Jason Gray: Awkward Avoidance Viking

Stephen Meek: Old Man

Adam Berg: Prince Charming

Stacey Harkey: Jeremy

Aaron Fielding: The Pilot

Dalton Johnson:

Tori Pence:

Garet Allen: Obscure Instrumentalist

Jessica Drolet: Interrupting News Lady

Ike Flitcraft:

Matthew Galvan:

Tanner Gillman:

Jetta Jurianz:

Arvin Mitchel:

April Rock

Austin Williams

Naomi Winders

Megan Rico


Love Ya!

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