Catch Me Quickly: Jade/jenna cab drive me home!

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{Parker's pov.} 


Ugh girls. They never go away. They don't like to shut up either. I turn and look over at the little blond girl attached to my hip. God she was so easy. I slowly take another sip from my beer trying to remember what possessed me to even come to this "bonfire." To me this just looked like another college party. But no Shane insisted that I come tonight. God where was Shane anyway. Ever since we got here this Shane ditched me and stuck me with this perky little blond girl. When we got here you could tell she was totally wasted. Normally I would have jumped on the chance to be with her but for some reason it didn't feel the same any more. It's not like this is my first college party that I've came to. Oh no Shane's brother, jake, is a sophomore in college. He scores to all of the college parties. We always come get wasted and take some hot college girl home with us. It used to be fun, but I don't know it feels like it kinda is getting old. I spot Shane through the crowd with some red head girl all over him. He goes for anyone. Then suddenly I lost him and couldn't see him anymore.

"Mmmhm Peter? Are you gunna take me home toooniiightttt?" She slurred. This girl was full out wasted, me I was sober. This was still my first drink usually I would have had four or five by now. God what was so different. I just-I felt like this was boring. This girl was really starting to get on my nerves. Peter? I mean really come on. I just really wanted her to leave me alone.

"My names not Peter,it's Parker, and maybe if you sober and actually good looking I would take you home tonight. But well since your not, I'm not taking you home tonight," I left it at that. I detached her from my hip and walked away. She looked shocked but I didn't care. I didn't care if I was a jerk, I didn't care if she cried, and I didn't care if she went home with some other guy. I spotted Shane over with the red head girl by a tree making out. God Shane really? At least have some standers and do it in a car not in front of everyone. I bet he didn't even know what her name was. Not like I was any better I can't remember what the blond girls name was.

That girl ugh. I shouldn't of called her ugly. It's not that she wasn't pretty, she was, she just wasn't beautiful and absolutely perfect. She was just average. She had long bleach blond hair that went down to her butt, she wasn't very tall about 5'4, she had brown eyes, she had an ok body there weren't many curves, she was skinny but not model skinny, and she was tan but not the natural tan you get on vacation, she was the type of tan that you see when you go tanning to much at a tanning salon. She was pretty but not beautiful. God I sound like something out of a Nicolas sparks book my cousin reads.

I walk over to where Shane is at and lightly tap him on the shoulder. I can seem the beer from here. Gosh how many did he have? 8? 7? Maybe 7 and a 1/2. Gosh Shane what did you get yourself into.

"Ok look who ever you are- oh hey Parker! Man this jade? Jenna? I don't know but isn't she hot!" He slurred. The red head stayed silent behind him. Looking down at her shoes.

"Shane how many drinks have you had?" I ask worried he's had to many.

"Only a few!" He said like it was no big deal. Then he smiled. "Ok 7! But it's no big deal man Jade/Jenna can drive me home! Maybe she can stop into." I groaned.

"Hi," I smiled at the girl. She looked up at me and smiled. She muttered a quite hello. "What's your name?" I asked.

"Back off man she's mine!" Shane yelled.

"Shane stop. I'm not hitting on her you can have her, I just wanna know." I said.

"It's Ashley. And before you ask I've only had 2 drinks and I'm not drunk like him," she said shyly. I was kinda stunned. Shane actually went for a sober girl? And she liked him? Don't get me wrong Shane is a great guy and all when he's sober, but when he is drunk he a real jerk.

"Ok well do you think maybe you could drive him home?" I asked politely. She nodded and smiled in response. "Thank you." I said quickly to her. I gave her the directions to Shane's house and she said she didn't need them that they were going back to her apartment. Oh great. Well than she gave me her address and told me to pick Shane up there tomorrow morning. I agreed. Before they left Shane ran up to me.

"Bro that blond chick u have looks like Hannah George," he slurred. Hannah George the name made me wanna vomit. I hated her.

"You mean Hannah the ugly banana? Bro she doesn't look anywhere near as ugly her," I said to Shane. The name was something I made up for her when she came here in 9th grade. God I hated her she was so...... So...... So undesirable. She was one girls who was stuck up and thought she was better than everybody else. I hated that. She wouldn't speak to anyone, stuck up. She had good grades, over achiever and try hard. It's like she tried not to fit in, outcast. It's not like I help her fit in or anything. I actually make it worse. I spread so many rumors about her i could win an award. I know I was a jerk, but it's not like I haven't been called worse that before. But whatever I don't know what it is about her but I hated her. With everything in me.

"That girl looks a lot like her! Look she's coming this way!" Shane yelled and slurred. I whipped my head around and saw it was true. The blond girl was coming this way. "We'll ill see you tomorrow man! Don't forget to pick me up!" Shane yelled over his shoulder and caught up with ashley. I turn my head around to see the blond girl wobble towards me. She looks like I never called her ugly. Like nothing happened.

"Hey I've been looking for you!" she slurred. She threw her arms around my neck. She smiled at me. But everything she did made me wanna push her off me.

"Didn't I tell you to go away?" I asked. She looked surprised. But I still didn't care if I was rude.

"Look your gunna take me home tonight and give me a good time, because if you don't I'll tell my daddy, who is a cop, to write you upppp forrrr sexxxxxuallllll haraaaaassssmenttttttt," she slurred. I didn't want to take her home, but I didn't want that to happen either. I honestly wondered how many times she has used that excuse before to take a guy home. I sighed.

"Where is your house?" I asked. She smiled. After that we got in my car and drive to her house and I did everything she wanted. But it wasn't anything that I wanted.


Authors note:

Hey guys!  

Merry Christmas Eve. I tried to work really hard on Parker's pov. But it was hard. Poor Parker he maybe a jerk but he never wanted that. Maybe what Parker needs and is searching for might be love? Just maybe. The next pov will be Hannah's promise. You will get to see what life is like for her at school. I think Parker is totally judging Hannah. He doesn't know much about her. Parker is totally the typical boy. Well I am working really hard on this story for you guy. I want it to be good. So who ever is reading this I hope u like it :) 

Thanks :) -enchanted_love_speak 


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