Catch Me Quickly: Don't even get me started on her hair

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{Parker's pov.}


What was I doing? This morning I would have never been caught dead talking to Hannah George! But since the bet came up things have changed. I need that tape. It was always something Shane held against me, something he threatened me with. If I got it I could finally destroy it. I really wanted nothing to do with Hannah, but it had to be done.

I could careless if I broke her heart it's not like any guys wanted her anyways. After Shane and I got done talking I spent all geometry class trying to figure out how to get her to like me and make her fall hard. Then I got to history and she was in there, then it hit me like a ton of bricks. Be nice to her. It's seemed so.... So.... Hard. Hannah is not someone I'm nice to.

I really wanted to laugh she looked scared like really scared. She looked like she might crap her pants. She was up against the locker, trying put as much distance between me and her as possible. Did I scare her that much? Well whatever she deserves it.

"What do you want, Parker?" She asked, her voice was shakily but somehow steady at the same time.

What did I want? I was already to throw in the towel on this bet and let Shane win. But I knew if I did that he would never let me live it down. So I just decided to suck it up and work my amazing plan.

The plan was to start talking to her somehow. When I heard the history project I knew it was perfect, so I plan on asking her to work with me. Then she will start talking to me. Hopefully after that she will fall for me, and then I can win the bet. After that ill just break up with her. I mean it's not like I want to be with her.

"I-a...... Well I-a a a....." I stuttered. She rolled her eyes.

"Just spit it out Parker!" She smirked.

"We'll, you dropped your notebook as you were leaving the class, so I stopped and grabbed it for you, because I wanna to talk to u," I said to her. She looked scared and shocked all at the same time.

"Wh-y wo-ul-d yo-u wan-t t-o ta-lk t-o m-e?" She stuttered. Wow if this is how she is gunna talk to me all the time I will eventually kill her. I rolled my eyes.

"I wanted to ask if you wanted to work on the history project with me?" I asked. Her eyes almost popped out of her head. She had the are you serious look on her face.

"Why!?" She spat. I was kind of taken aback by this. I didn't understand why she wasn't jumping for joy and responding with,'yes I would love to! I've liked you for a long time! I was hoping you would ask!' The bet would be much easier if she did. But lets face it that's never gunna happen.

"I want you to work on the history project with me," I said flatly again, she was really getting on my nerves again. She just looked confused and shrugged.

"No," then she slammed her locker and walked off. I was slightly stunned for a second. No? No? She said no? To me? Wow this girl really doesn't care what people think of her. Well now I need to convince her to work with me or I will never win the bet.

I would have followed her but I didn't know where she went, so I just gave up, for that day. I started walking toward the cafeteria, when I felt a pair of small hands grab my wrist and pull me in to some room. I hear a door slam and a pair of lips are smashed to mine.

I almost instantly push the person off of me. Then I quickly pull them back when I see its only jess. Jess (aka Jessica) is captain of the cheer team and the schools slut. She is also my well I guess you could call her buddy. She is the girl I flirt with and go to when I need things, but were not dating. I know it's low that we do this stuff and were not even dating.

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