Catch Me Quickly: snookie probably couldn't even compare with it

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*Hannah's pov.*


After Parker and his friends Ganged up on my I went to the bathroom to check my arm. I walked into the bathroom and thank god no one was in there. I walk over to the sink and see my head is ok, I just have a few bumps and its gunna be bruised.

I pull up the sleeve of my hoodie. It's doesn't look good, but it doesn't look terrible. The cuts have all reopened and are bleeding heavily again. I quickly grab soap and put it on the cuts, it burned so bad. I wash off the soap and wet paper towel and wrap it around the cuts. That felt a tad bit better, it took the sting away, but it still hurt.

I sprinted out of the bathroom and ran ito my first class, chemistry. This class is my least favorite class of the day because it literally has all the people I hate in it. I walk into the class just as the bell rings. I quickly grab my seat before I get yelled at. Jessica, the cheer captain and most popular and meanest girl I've ever met/ Parker's little girlfriend, turned around to look at me.

"Ew! Why are you behind me!?" She said in her screechy, fake voice.

"Um if you haven't noticed, this is my seat," don't let her get to you, I think to myself. A look of disgusted crosses her face.

"We'll, it's not like I want you behind me! You might just give me your ugly germs!" She looked away from me and turned to the boy next to her, I think his name was max. "Make sure you keep a ten foot radius for her!"

"Your the one who should be worried? Please! I should be worried that I'm gunna pass out from how much hairspray you put in your hair! It's way over done, it looks like something is growing out of your head!" I snap at her. What I said was true.

She had so much hairspray in her hair, I'm pretty sure the next room could smell it. She has teased her hair so high snookie probably couldn't even compare with it. If anyone she should be the one to keep a ten-foot radius from.

Jessica had no responds, she just flipped her blond hair over her shoulder and turned around. I could hear her whispering about me to the girl in front of her, but I didn't care. I mean what could they spread about me that they hadn't already? So far I've been pregnant, a lesbian, have rabies, and I'm secretly part boy. Is that all they got? I mean come on they could make way better rumors than that.

I silently stick one of my head phones in my ear, and start to draw in my note book. After awhile I feel something hit the back of my head. I look around and see the jocks in the back corner of the room cracking up. I see on the floor that they threw a paper ball at me. Wow real mature.

I just ignore them but the paper just keeps coming. I just sigh and try to pay attention to the lesson. I think by the time the bell rings I'm ready to kill someone. I quickly grab all my stuff and bolt out of the class room. I slow walk down the hall to see what has happened to my locker to day.

Could it be shaving cream all in the locker, toilet paper and pudding, or my personal favorite a bunch of tampons taped to my locker. I walk towards the locker and see nothing's on it. That's strange, I bet there is shaving cream in the locker. I quickly put in the combo and open it up and find only what I'd hope for. Nothing. I can't say I'm ok with it, I think I'm just more shocked. Honestly it's weird.

I grab all my books for 2nd period, creative writing, as fast as I can and blot to my next class. However, I am stopped by running into someone and falling on the floor. I look up and see Shane towering over me.

"Oh I'm sorr- oh Hannah!" He says and I watch his blue eyes turn a shade darker, then they slowly start to go back to lighter.

"Are you okay?" He asks then helps me up. I slowly brush myself off. Why is he being nice to me?

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