Catch Me Quickly: Two more years, just two more years

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*Hannah's pov.*


"Hannah! Where's my dinner!" Randy shouted from his bedroom. He so lazy he expects me to bring him dinner in bed? What a joke. But I knew if I didn't he would just beat me worse. God I hate him.

"It's coming! I'm almost done!" I yelled back to him from are small kitchen. It was sad. My house was just sad. The wall paper in every room was falling off or chipping. There were beer and blood stains on all the walls. It had one of the worst smells ever. It smelled like liquor, beer, blood, and fear mixed together. So basically a hospital with a bar in side of it is what my house smelled like. Almost all of the lights didn't work. When you got to my room I didn't have a bed just a mattress on the floor with a few blankets and a pillow. I also have an old broken down laptop that works well enough. The thing is Randy's room is filled with pillows tons of blankets and a huge king size bed. It's not fair but what can I do?

I finish his dinner. Chicken with mash potatoes, green beans and corn with a beer to drink. I think I have truly out done myself. I slowly grab his plate and make my way up stair. When I get to his room I slowly knock on his door. I know the consequences when you don't knock.

"Randy? I have your dinner, can I come in?" I try to say in the nicest way possible, but every nice word to him makes me want to throw up the dinner I just made myself.

"Ugh! Come in if you must!" He spats at me. I lightly push open his door and immediately regret it. The smell is terrible and it doesn't look much better either. It the smell of beer overwhelms me. I look at the floor and beer bottles are everywhere. Ugh he is such a pig. Two more years, just two more years. I can see Randy lying on his bed. Ugh he smelled like he hadn't showered in days. I walk over and sit the tray of food on his bed side table and mumble quickly," Here is your food, hope you enjoy it," I say as nice as possible. He grumbles thank you, at least that what I think he says. I quickly scramble out of his room without another word. I run to my room and jump on my mattress and pull out my laptop and check twitter. I don't have many followers on twitter but I don't have many friends at school. Fallon has spread to many rumors that people won't even go near me.

I'd been on twitter for about 30 minutes when I heard a huge clash of plates come from Randy's room. It sounded like they broke into many pieces. Great another mess ill have to clean up. I kept hearing loud stomps coming closer and closer to my room.

"HANNAH!" I heard randy scream. This could only one thing when he shouts like that. Crap he's drunk. Suddenly he burst through my bedroom door. Im pretty sure he put a hole in the wall with how hard he swung my door open. He looked pissed, he looked like he could kill someone. I know exactly who he planed on killing. Me. He walked up to me and grabbed my blond hair and bashed my head against the wall. Then he did it again and again till I could feel blood dripping down my forehead. It hurt so bad. He finally let go if my hair and threw me on the floor.

"WHAT KIND OF A MEAL WAS THAT!?" He screamed at me. He reached his foot back and then drilled into my ribs. The pain was unbearable. I couldn't breath or speak. "ANSWER ME WHEN I ASK YOU SOMETHING!" He yelled at me again. He bent down really close to me on the ground. He got right up close to my ear and whispered," I'll ask you again and I expect an answer this time. What kind of a meal was that?"

I couldn't breath let alone talk. How am I supposed to answer him?

"I-I-I thought y-y-you would l-l-like it," I coughed and breathed out. I could barley move or speak right now, but it was nothing I wasn't used to.

"We'll guess what sweet heart....," He paused for a brief second but it was only to pull his foot back to kick me multiple times while screaming at me,"I DIDN'T LIKE IT! IT WAS COLD AND IT WASN'T FOOD THAT FIT MY STANDARDS! YOUR SO STUPID! THE ONLY REASON WHY I KEEP YOU IS SO SOMEONE CLEANS THE HOUSE! BESIDES OF THAT YOUR JUST A WORTHLESS PEICE OF SPACE! NO ONE LOVES YOU! NOT ME! NOT ANYONE AT SCHOOL! NOT EVEN YOUR MOTHER!"

Tears brimmed my eyes. He right no one loves me. I don't deserve to be here. He just continued to kick me harder and harder every kick. Then finally he grabbed my hair and threw me against the wall. It hurt a lot. He punched me in the face about five times on each eye. Then he got to the big finish he pulled out his knife.

"Hmmm? Where should I cut you tonight? Your leg again? No no no to noticeable. I've got it!" He spoke to himself. He grabbed the upper part of my arm and squeezed it really hard. Then he took his knife and slashed it up and down the upper part of my arm several times. I tried to count how many scars I would have in the morning but eventually I lost count. The pain in my arm was like it was on fire. It felt like I was burning alive. After a good 15 slashes he dropped his blood covered knife and was done. He left me in my room mumbling something to himself like 'I'm through with you' or 'clean this mess up'. I wasn't sure which one he said but i knew I had to do both.

I quickly got up and ran to my bathroom and turned on my shower to get it hot. Then I put a washcloth under some water and went to my room and cleaned up all the blood and mess. When I was done I went back into the bathroom and jumped into the shower. The water felt so good on my sore body it was insane. It felt good to wash all the blood off my hurt and damaged arm. I was a mess. When I finally got out if the shower I examined my body. I had a small gash across my forehead, I had multiple bruises down my body, and I had about 7 small knife wounds and 5 big gashes on the upper half of my arm. Compared to when he cut me on my legs this wasn't as bad as it could have been. I sighed heavily. This wasn't going to be easy to cover up or explain. Ugh I just need sleep, sleep will help. I changed into my pajamas and put my sore body in my bed. I just need to sleep that will help........ I closed my eyes and I was fast asleep dreaming about happy things.


Authors note:

Wow poor Hannah. She's got it rough. I was really trying to make Hannah one of those poor sweet innocent girls who doesn't deserve this. I think I did that at least I hope I did. Anyways we haven't even got to when she goes to school yet. Just a warning to anyone who is reading this if you don't like it right now and it's to violent for you, STOP and don't read this story because it only gets worse and better from here. You might be asking if every chapter in the story are this intense? But nope there not. Some no abuse or bulling happens at all. So no worries. Well thanks for reading if you like it keep reading!

Thanks :) - enchanted_love_speak


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