Catch Me Quickly: no I don't mean that in a perverted way

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{Parker's pov.}


I can't believe I just did that. Parker Fallon does not open up to the people he hates. I don't even open up to people in general. I don't know how it felt so easy to tell George everything. It's like it almost felt natural and.... Right? No that can't be, can it?

Here I am sitting in the office cursing Dylan's name, when all the sudden she comes in and she has the nerve to sit by me. I guess I didn't mind in the end, though. I mean in the end I got what I wanted and I also felt a little bit better talking about it with someone. Even if that person was George.

I guess maybe I should start calling her Hannah now, right? Nah it's to weird. I mean we're not on a first name biases yet. I'm actually kinda surprised she gave in this easily to working with me. I guess that means were gonna have to work together, be seen together, and actually hang out together..... That makes me want to throw up thinking about it. What do I say to my friends when they see me with her!?

'Oh hey guy! It's not what it looks like! I'm just hanging out with my enemy! I'm only with her because me and Shane have a big bet going on that she will end up liking me! After that were never gonna talk again!'

Yeah that would go over real well. All the guys would think I'm crazy, unless Shane told them about the bet. But I don't think he did. Then Hannah would never speak to me again, but I really don't want her to, do i? I mean I totally judged her wrong, I thought she was the type of girl who thought she was better than everyone else. I'd never thought I'd be so wrong.

She was completely different from that, she listened to you, she was nice no matter what, she was thoughtful, she gave some good advice, and she was just so different. To be honest I'd be lying if I said she was ugly.

She had a nice body, and no I don't mean that in a perverted way. I mean she wasn't fat but she wasn't to skinny. She didn't wear too much make up, unlike some girls who think their face is a coloring book. She had a pretty good smile. Her hair was naturally blond you could tell she never dyed it. She was beautiful no doubt about it. I would never tell her that though.

I glance down at the seat next to me where she sat and exspecte to see nothing there, but instead I find a note book laying next to me. Its her history notebook. Im thinking since she is working on the history project with me it is kinda important. Half of me says give it to her you need it, but the other half says no its her fault she left it. I inwardly sigh.

Screw it. I grab my things and grab her books and get out of office. I don't really care about the whole meeting with the principle about the fight because none of it was my fault. I book it out of the office and through the halls. I push open the doors of the school and start walking towards the direction of Hannah's house.

I go through a long series of path ways before seeing her house. I start walking up to the front door when I realize what am I even going to say?

'Hey Hannah! yeah so you left your books at school in the office! so I thought a good way for us to bond and talk would be for me to bring them to you!'

No I can't say that it sounds so creep. I don't even realize it but I'm already up at her front door. I raise my fist to knock on the door when I hear a huge clash and a loud piercing scream that I'd know any day. Its Hannah.

"Stop screaming! Or else I'm gonna make this beating a whole lot worse for you!" I heard a man's muffled voice say. What the heck was going on in there?

I walked around the corner of the house and towards a window. I saw nothing. At the next window I saw nothing. This went on for about five more windows, until I came upon the last window where I saw something shocking.

Hannah was on the ground getting the crap kicked out of her, by some man. That's when all hell broke lose



First of all: hi :)

Second of all: I AM SO SORRY!!!! I'm a sophomore in high school and my life is so busy and I feel horrible :(

Third: I am going to update when ever I can but its gonna be hard to be honest

So what do you think Parker is gonna do? Who do was beating Hannah up? What's gonna happen?



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