Chapter 14- Halloween

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Sorry for the late post, I had midterms this week and had to study. Anyways, I'm back on schedule for posting everyday so see y'all tomorrow. Enjoy!

TW: Insinuations of Self Harm and Abuse

Ana woke up with a pounding headache, severe nausea, and back pain from sleeping on the floor. She looked around to see all her friends laying on each other, each in a deep sleep. She felt comforted that she wasn't alone and realized the amount of alcohol she drank must've drowned out any nightmares. She didn't remember much about the previous night, except that it was the best birthday she has ever had. She considered herself so lucky to have people who genuinely cared about her and went to incredible lengths to show it.

All of a sudden, in the middle of her daydream about having such amazing friends, Ana felt the urge to throw up. Her nausea and dizziness had created an almost sea-sick feeling, and she quickly pushed Pansy off her and ran to her room to go to the bathroom.

When she'd finished her... business... She left the bathroom and indulged in the scent of the peonies. Just looking at all the food she received, however, made her feel sick. So she went to hide it, when she looked on her bed and saw a pack of cigarettes with a bow tied around them.

She walked over to the dreadful thing and picked it up to read the note written on it.

"Happy birthday Gorgeous. See you soon. –Mason"

No. No. No. It can't be...

As she read the writing repeatedly, thoughts flashing around her head, she began shaking uncontrollably and threw the pack of cigarettes across the room. She collapsed to the floor, hyperventilating. Her room was spinning, her heart pounding, her head throbbing. Panic. She thought he would never find her again but someone must have told him where she went, someone must not have realized what he had done to her and thought they could reconcile. She wished she could escape him and the pain that follows, but she never would, she never would be able to leave him in her past.

The knowledge that he would come for her was unbearable. The air had escaped the young woman's lungs, only to be replaced with imaginary ice cold water that caused unbearable pain and sent chills up and down her spine. He was the source of much of her suffering, he was the cause of the marks that she concealed on her arms, he was the venomous mentality that caused her to do the unspeakable. He was her agony. He was the reason she had a personal stormcloud following her everywhere she went.

Ana calmed herself, took a few deep breaths, not letting a single tear fall, and stood up, still shaky. The light was giving her piercing headaches so she shut the curtains. She walked over to the pack of cigarettes and hid them in her trunk underneath a bunch of gowns she couldn't fit in her wardrobe.

As she looked around the room for any signs of him being there, she found none. Only seeing the reminder on the calendar that today was Halloween. She thanked Merlin for a distraction.

Halloween was always a special day for Anastasia. She often spent it with her "friends" dressing up and going to parties, the day usually ending with Ana pigging out on chocolate. One specific Halloween, he made her stay in with him and it was one of her favorite memories of the couple. Sure it ended in shouting and tears, but the day that they shared before that was actually enjoyable.

She tried to clear Mason from her thoughts and laid down on her bed, staring at the ceiling, hoping she would never see him again.

The door slammed open.

"Who the hell let me get knackered and fall asleep on the floor of the common room?" Sage groaned.

Pain surged through Ana's head. "Shut the fuck up, my head is killing me." Ana replied.

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