Chapter 36-Weak

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When Alastair went looking for Anastasia, he did not expect to find her passed out under a tree, just outside of a deadly forest.

"What have you gotten yourself into this time, Annie?" He muttered as he picked her up to carry her back to the castle. She was cold, shivering. Her clothes were soaked and her lips were blue, she was obviously sick.

He walked her down to his room and laid her down in his bed, casting a drying spell on her clothes and wrapping her in blankets. He cast a temporary warming spell and hoped for the best, leaving to find Briar and Sage.

The two girls rushed in, followed by the rest of their friends.

"What happened?" Blaise asked.

"Fight with Draco." Sage replied.

"Is she insane? It's four degrees celsius out there and it was raining." Theo commented, looking at the girl who trembled in her unconsciousness.

"Is she going to die?" Briar began to cry.

"Obviously not, I would have brought her to the hospital wing."

"Why did you bring her here instead?" Sage questioned.

"She hates the hospital wing." Zina answered for Alastair.

"And it's not terribly serious, we can heal her."

"And where's Draco?" Blaise asked.

"I haven't seen him."

"Me neither."

"He didn't come back last night."

"Well, great. They really are a couple of people who just run away from their problems, leaving us to clean up the mess." Blaise complained.

"And we'll do it... without complaining." Briar chastised, "Because we love them."

"Right, so you guys go find Draco and us girls will stay here." Pansy ordered. "Go, now."

The boys all groaned and left the room, going to find their friend, still exhausted as it was still early in the morning. They trudged through the hallways, splitting up to cover more ground.

The girls, however, spent their time reading up on potions and spells to bring down Ana's fever and treat her illness.

"If she doesn't wake up,"

"She will, Sage, don't speak that way." Pansy chided.

"You don't think she'll wake up?" Briar asked, tears still falling.

"She will, Briar, don't worry." Zina reassured with a calm voice, rubbing calming circles on the anxious girl's back.

"Those boys better find Draco. She'll want to see him when she wakes up." Pansy commented.

"Are you kidding? I wonder what he did to make her so upset that she froze her arse off outside." Sage said.

"Let's not make guesses. Let's give them both the benefit of the doubt and assume it was a mutual mistake." Zina reasoned.

Sage wanted to believe that this was about a small couple's quarrel, but she knew about the comb, about Mason, about everything that was weighing on the couple's backs.

After about two hours of the girls all sitting in silence, awaiting the boys return while watching over Ana and trying different methods of healing and potions on her, the sick girl began to stir. She slowly opened her eyes and adjusted to the light, registering the faces of those around her, feeling completely groggy.

"What–" She coughed, startling her friends. "What happened?"

Briar threw herself on Ana, eliciting a groan from the girl. Sage pulled her off, overjoyed as well that her friend was awake.

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