More Than This- Chapter 1

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It was your first day at a new school and you were terrified. You were going into eleventh grade and switching schools. All of the clicks have been solidified and you were going to be the weird new girl. You sighed as you jumped in your car and drove the unfamiliar way to your new high school. You weren't exactly sure where you were going. Ten minutes into your drive you realized your were completely and utterly lost. You pulled over to the side of the road and put your hazards on. You laid your hands in your head and just sat there. Some one tapped on the window and you shot up in your seat. You turned warily to the person to your left. It was Harry Styles from One Direction. Your mouth dropped open and you starred at him. He smiled at you and your heart melted. You slowly rolled down your window.

"Is everything OK?" he asked politely.

"Not really. I got lost on my way to the school. It's my first day." you told him. He just smiled at you.

"Well lucky for you I know the way and just happen to be going there. My name is Harry." he said opening your door.

"I know who you are." you laughed. "I'm Molly." You got out and followed him to his car. He opened the passenger door for you and you got into his car. He walked around the car and hopped in. He revved his engine then sped away. You guys made small talk on your way to school. Once you arrived you both got out and walked up to the school.

"Thank you so much." you said looking into his brilliant green eyes.

"You are so welcome." he smiled flirtatiously. The rest of the day went by in a blur. Everyone was nice and your classes were easy. You found a nice group of friends. You knew this year was going to be good. You walked out the front doors and walked right into Harry.

"Gee Molly if you wanted a hug you could have just asked!" Harry said pulling you into a giant bear hug.

"I'm sorry Harry." you laughed. Harry let go of all of you except your hand. He started towing you in the direction of this car.

"What are you doing?" you asked curious.

"You're riding home with me. You don't have your car." Harry answered squeezing your hand gently.

"I can walk, I think I know how to get home." you laughed pulling away your hand. He responded by picking you up wedding style and running to his car.

"Harry put me down!" you squealed.

"Nope!" he popped the P. You sighed in defeat and let him carry you the rest of the way. Once you were to his car he set you down and opened your door. You got in pouting. He jumped in and drove you home.

"OK I'll see you tomorrow morning." he smiled.

"I can drive myself." you said crossing your arms. He shook his head.

"I'll be here at seven, don't be difficult Molly, we both know I will win." he said smirking.

"Fine, see you then." you sighed in defeat. He leaned in as if he was going to kiss you, but then pulled away. Dazed you stepped out of his car and walked up to your house. You turned to wave before you walked inside.


You found yourself getting up a half an hour earlier. You remembered that you were going to ride to school with Harry. You felt the butterflies rush into your stomach. You couldn't like him already, could you? You made sure your hair was extra straight. You threw on a pair of Capri's and a loose flowery shirt. You applied some mascara and little lip gloss. It was 6:55 and you were all ready to go. You sat by the door waiting. It was the longest five minutes of your life. Finally you heard a light tap on the door. You stood up and opened it. What you found did not disappoint. Harry stood on your steps looking like a God.

"Are you ready?" he asked.

"Yep." you said shutting the door.

"And you're not going to complain today?" he said throwing you a smile.

"Maybe a little." you winked. He opened the door for you and you got in. A few seconds later you heard his door shut.

"I got a few of my classes switched around so we may have some together." he said glancing over at you. It turned out that he had every class with you. "You look really pretty." he said appraising your outfit. His words made you blush.

"Thanks." you smiled. Once you arrived at school you two walked to biology together. You went to go sit at a random table and Harry grabbed your arm and dragged you to an empty one.

"What are you doing?" he asked sounding offended.

"I was going to go sit down." you said confused.

"Well now your sitting by me. And in case there is any confusion you are sitting with me at lunch." he said with authority.

"Do I have a choice?" you asked already knowing the answer.

"Nope." he said smiling. His dimples were so adorable they melted your heart. You couldn't pay attention in biology with Harry sitting next to you. He was completely gorgeous. Once the bell rang you hopped up and went to your locker. Once you had gathered your algebra stuff you shut your locker. You turned around and found yourself an inch away from Harry. You jumped.

"Sorry if I scared you." he said trying to hide his laughing. You just stuck out your tongue and stomped away towards algebra. An arm caught your elbow and swung you around.

"Molly, I really am sorry." Harry said, his eyes burning holes through your resolve. After a few seconds you completely forgot why you were mad at him in the first place.

"It's OK." you said. A smile returned to his face as you both walked off to algebra. The rest of the morning went the same. When lunch came around you found yourself getting nervous. You shut your locker and turned to see Harry right next to you.

"Don't worry. I won't introduce you to the boys yet. I wouldn't want to scare you off. We'll save that for tonight." he said grinning. His words made you extremely nervous, but you wouldn't let him see that.

"OK." you replied calmly. He led you to the lunchroom and you found an empty table near the back. You couldn't eat anything because you were so nervous for tonight so you and Harry just talked. With ever answer he gave you you fell more in love with him. You knew it was pointless. He was world famous and you were just another girl. Lunch ended and you went to your next class. That's when you heard the rumors.

"Did you hear? Harry and the new girl Molly are dating." some one whispered. You just laughed to yourself. You wish.

The rest of the day went by in a blur. Once the last bell rang you went to your locker and gathered your books. You walked out the front door. You didn't want to ride with Harry because you didn't want to meet the boys. So you thought if you hurried you could make it out without being seen. You slowed down once you were a few rows away from Harry's car. You knew he would be at his car waiting for you. It was the perfect plan. Someone grabbed you around the waist and you knew you were caught.

"What are you doing?" Harry said dragging you back to his car.

"I'm walking home." you said wiggling out of his arms.

"That's not a good plan Molly. I have four very strong friends." he said with a ring of victory. He was right and you knew it. "Now tomorrow we aren't going to have any problems are we?" he said poking your side. You sighed.

"No Harry."

"Good. And did you really think you could get out of meeting the lads that easily?" he asked with humor in his voice.

"I was hoping." you sighed.

"Don't worry. They will love you." he said patting your head. You really hoped what he said was true.

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