More Than This- Chapter 13

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You were walking around town and it was extremely dark out. Your hand was laced with Harry's. You had been walking for a while and were now close to the park. You saw light near the pond and started to walk faster. You heard talking and started running. Harry's hand was still in yours as you ran towards the light. What you found disappointed you and baffled you. There was a picnic with no one around. Candles were placed around the basket. You turned around to look at Harry, disappointment evident on your face.

"Don't you like it?" he asked.

"What?" you said confused. Someone stepped out of the shadows. It was Niall.

"Surprise!" he yelled. You looked around seeing Liam and the rest of your friends.

"What is going on?" you asked turning back to Harry.

"It's a surprise." he said laughing.

"You mean, this is for us?" you asked turning around to look at the candle-lit picnic. He nodded and you wrapped your arms around his torso. "WAIT." you said letting go and staring into his eyes as a sudden heat of anger crossed across you. "NIALL AND LIAM WERE FINE THE WHOLE TIME!" you nearly shouted. He nodded trying not to burst into laughter.

"Sorry love." Niall called from behind you.

"I'll deal with you later." you called.

"OK now that everything is good, you guys can go." Harry called to everyone.

"Have fun at your movie night." you called sarcastically trying not to laugh. You sat down next to Harry as he pulled out the sandwiches. 

"I'm surprised you didn't catch on." he said smiling.

"So everyone knew but me?" you asked.

"Yeah." you both erupted into laughter.

"You are the sweetest boyfriend ever." you said laying down on his lap and taking a bite of your sandwich. He kissed your forehead. You weren't sure how long you stayed out or when you fell asleep, all you remember was talking with Harry then drifting off on his chest. You woke up from the beeping in the elevator.

"Sorry to wake you." he apologized. You looked up but it was all to bright. You were aware that your feet were not touching the floor.

"It's ok." you said trying to get down out of his arms.

"No, stay." he said pulling you closer to him. Even if you were fully awake you wouldn't have been able to escape. He carried you into the room and laid you on the bed pulling the covers close around you. You fell into a deep sleep, dreaming of only you and Harry. When you woke up it was early and you were tired. You looked over to see Harry still sleeping. His curls fell loosely around his face. He looked so innocent and gentle when he was sleeping, you longed to reach out and touch his face, but you resisted knowing it would wake him up. You got up quietly and tip toed out to your living room to see Niall passed out on your couch. Must have been a crazy night for everyone else. You got in the shower and rubbed all of the dirt off your body so you were perfectly clean. You put on some clothes and walked out. Niall and Harry were still sleeping so you stayed quiet. You checked your phone and there was a text from Liam. It said that he was up and you could come over if you wanted. You checked back in on Harry and knew he would be asleep for a while. You wrote a note and set it next to his head. You made your way back to the door and quietly opened it and shut it. You walked less quietly down to Liam's room and knocked then opened. He opened the door with no shirt on.

"Hi." he said wrapping his arms around you in a warm hug.

"Hi." you said as you tried to ignore his bare toned chest. What a hard day this would be, you thought to yourself. You sat and talked with Liam for a hour before Harry came knocking on the door looking for you.

"Hey you ready for breakfast?" he asked looking distracted.

"Yeah." you said getting up. "Thanks for keeping me company Liam." you called behind your shoulder.

"Anytime love." you saw Harry shoot Liam a look, but you chose to ignore it.

"You go ahead, I want to talk with Liam for a second." Harry said with no emotion on his face or in his voice.

"OK." you said stopping by the door for a second before leaving. What was up with Harry? He was acting strange this morning. You decided it was no big deal and went to go make breakfast. You pulled out a few pans, not sure what to make yet. Harry snuck up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist.

"Good morning gorgeous." he said spinning you around.

"Morning." you said giving him a quick kiss.

"Do you guys have anything planned today?" 

"Uhm, other than Angie's date, no." as you said these words a feeling of panic arose in the pit of your stomach. You heard something from the living room and you felt yourself getting sick. You had forgot that Niall was here.

"I'll meet you at the studio." he called walking out. Even a blind person could tell he was sulking. He overheard you talking about Angie's date. This was not good.

Harry sensed something was wrong but knew better than to interrupt you when you were thinking. You had to plan this all out to make it work.


The days were starting to blur together into one long, never-ending day. It was the same thing everyday. You woke up to Harry making breakfast, you got ready and left for the studio, sat there with Harry, or Niall, or Zayn, or Louis, left to go home, and watched a movie with Harry that night. Sometimes Zayn would come over, but it wasn't often. Everyone had left except Angie. She was still here and madly in love with her new boyfriend, James. Niall sulked around which made your heart break. You never saw Liam any more, and you missed him. Ever since you went over to his room that morning you had hardly seen him. What was even weirder was that Harry was always up before you, he never slept in, even on days they didn't have to go to the studio. You wished that he would get a few extra hours of sleep so you could go talk to Liam, but you knew that wouldn't happen. It was almost like he didn't want you being around him. You would try to start a conversation with him and Harry would shoot him a look that could kill. He would respond then leave. It was really starting to bug you, and you didn't know what to do about it. You lay in bed that night, not being able to sleep. Harry fell fast asleep and was snoring lightly. Your phone lit up and you grabbed it. There was a text from Liam. It said meet me outside your door at 11, and be ready to have a good time. Your heart skipped a beat. He was talking to you finally. Without thinking you responded sure. You looked at the clock. It was 10:47. You remembered that your curfew was 9 and you were torn. Should you do what your boyfriend demanded of you, or have some fun. It's not like you were going to get hurt or anything. You were with Liam for crying out loud. It finally turned 11:00 on your clock and you tiptoed out of bed. You stole one quick glance back at Harry before opening the door and sneaking out into the night. A wave of guilt washed over you but was quickly pushed away when you saw Liam's smiling face.

"Hey, you actaully came." he said surprised.

"Yeah, I need something fun to do." 

"I thought you wouldn't because of Harry." he said nodding back towards the door.

"Nah, he won't even notice I was gone." you said hoping that what you said was true. You walked around with Liam and went to a night club for a few minutes. You had a great night. Returning to the hotel made your stomach do flips.

"Thanks for coming with me, I had a great time." he said as the elevator reached your floor.

"Oh I loved every minute of it." you replied smiling. You got to your door and the light was on, you could see it under the door.

"Uh oh." Liam said stopping.

"Yeah." you said swallowing and reaching for the handle. "I am going to be in so much trouble."

"Good luck." he said looking apologetic. You nodded and turned the handle. It was unlocked. You stepped into the warm light and braced yourself for what would happen next.

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