More Than This- Chapter 2

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You rolled to a stop in front of a huge house. Harry got out of the car and walked around to your side. You just sat there frozen, to afraid to move. What if they hated you? What if they convinced Harry never to talk to you again? How would you survive this school year without your cheeky friend? You were dragged from your horror filled fantasy by the opening of your door.

"Molly don't be nervous." Harry said reaching over and unbuckling your seat belt. You just sat there. Harry soon realized that you were not moving so he reached in the car and picked you up. Much to your embarrassment he carried you up the driveway and to the door. The door opened and four eager faces stared at you laying in Harry's arms.

"Getting a little friendly are we?" Louis asked grinning.

"Did you bring food?" Niall asked impatiently.

"Niall we're getting pizza remember." Harry said barging his way through the four boys.

"Oh right." Niall said sitting down on the couch. Harry planted himself down and sat you next to him. Zayn sat on the other side of you and Liam stood in the corner. Louis came over and sat on your lap.

"Louis......can't......breathe..." you said struggling for air. Harry jumped to your rescue and shoved Louis off.

"Louis! You're going to scare her away!" Harry said patting your shoulder. "Baby are you okay?"

"I'm okay." you laughed. The guys were hilarious. So far so good.

"So what are we going to do tonight?" Liam asked speaking for the first time. He just stood in the corner not looking to pleased.

"Well I'm not sure. Whatever Molly wants." Harry said turning his attention to you.

"I don't care." you replied looking over at Niall. "I think Niall is hungry so maybe we should eat." you suggested as Niall's face lit up. He jumped over to you and wrapped his arms around you.

"Thank you so much Molly! I love you!" he replied kissing your cheek. Harry's face became bright red and his breathing stopped. You glanced over at him to make sure he was okay. After a moment his face returned to it's normal color and he started breathing again.

"Sounds good with me to." Zayn said jumping up. "Who's driving?"

"I'll drive." Louis offered. "Harry can come as well." Harry turned to Louis looking upset. You could see that there was a fight coming. You grabbed Harry's hand and his attention immediately turned back to you.

"I'll be here when you get back." you smiled. "It will give me time to bond with the boys." Harry sighed knowing that this time you were right.

"Promise?" he said using puppy dog eyes.

"Promise." you said. Harry jumped up and followed Louis out the door. Before he shut the door he turned back and smiled warmly at you. Then he was gone.

"They are gone now. How about some truth or dare?" Liam said walking over towards you guys.

"Sure!" Niall said.

"Sounds great." you said nervously to yourself.

"OK I'll go first." Liam said suddenly happy. "Zayn truth or dare?"

"I'm gonna go with truth." Zayn said.

"How many girls have you kissed?" Liam asked.

"You are always so bad at coming up with truths." Zayn said laughing. "Um I'm not sure, like 7."

"Wow Zayn aren't you a little player." you said punching his arm. Hie response was messing up your hair.

"OK, Molly truth or dare?" Zayn said with an evil grin.

"Truth." you said nervously. You knew you had made a mistake when you saw the look on Zayn's face when you said truth. He must have had a bad one for you and that made your stomach flip over on itself.

"If you had to date one of the boys in the band who would it be?" Zayn said grinning. All three of them leaned in closer to hear your answer. You were right, Zayn did have a bad one for you. You tried to think of a way out of this one.

"Don't even think about lying..." Niall said sliding over to you. "...because if you lie then you get thrown into the pool." he said smiling. So there was no way out unless you ran. You're eyes darted to the door and they must have caught it. Zayn grabbed your ankles and Niall grabbed your hands.

"No no Molly. You aren't going anywhere until you answer this question." Liam said moving over so he was directly infront of you.

"Fine." you sighed knowing that you had no way out. "Harry, but please don't tell him! I would be so embarrassed!" you said worryingly.

"Don't worry. Your secret is safe with us." Niall said patting your back. Liam just nodded his head not saying a word.

"Hey guys." you said laughing.

"What?" Zayn asked.

"Could you let go of me?" you asked.

"Oh right sorry." Niall said in his magical Irish accent.

"Ok Niall truth or dare?" you asked turning towards him.

"Dare!" he said bouncing out of his seat. "I'm ready." you just started laughing. Just then the door opened and Louis and Harry walked in with the food.

"Thank God that you guys didn't scare Molly off." Harry said looking relieved. All of the guys started laughing.

"Almost." Liam said getting up and walking to the kitchen.

"FOOOOOOOOOD!" Niall screamed running and grabbing the box out of Louis' hands. You followed after the giddy Niall. Harry walked up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist.

"How bad did they torture you?" Harry asked his face only an inch from yours. You wanted to turn and fill that gap between you two. You wanted to kiss his soft pink lips so bad. It took every cell in your body to resist the urge.

"It actually wasn't that bad." you laughed.

"Well I'm glad to hear that. By the way they all like you. I told you that there was nothing to worry about." he said poking your nose.

"I'll try to remember next time that you are always right." you said sarcastically.

"I am." he said removing his arms and walking towards the kitchen. Once he let go there was an empty feeling inside of you. You longed for him to come back and wrap you up in his arms so you could stay there forever. You had only met this boy yesterday and you were already madly in love with him. This could be a problem. He was world famous, why would he like a plain girl like you. You were just going to get your heart broken and you knew it, but you didn't care. Harry turned around and looked at you.

"Are you coming?" he asked laughing. You snapped out of your nightmare.

"Yeah sorry." you said following him into the kitchen.

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