More Than This- Chapter 12

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Niall awkwardly let go of Angie and turned around, walking back towards Liam. Liam whispered something to him but you couldn't hear what it was. Angie walked over and sat on the couch, oblivious to everything as usual. It was clear from a mile away, yet she couldn't see it from a foot. That girl was truly amazing you laughed to yourself. Your thoughts were interrupted by Harry.

"Hey, did you get my text?" he asked.

"No." you said feeling bad as you pulled your phone out of your back pocket.

"Woah when did you get that?" Lizzie asked peering over your shoulder.

"Oh you know.." you trailed off.

"It was a present from Harry." Louis called. You shot him a death glare, but he wouldn't crack.

"Yeah." you said looking at your recent messages. There wasn't any there.

"Did you get it?" he asked.

"No." you said confused.

"You look adorable." he said wrapping his hands around your waist and giving you a mischievous smile.

"You are a jerk Mr Styles." you said lightly elbowing his stomach. He dragged you out into the deserted hallway.

"Did you have fun this afternoon?" he asked.

"Yeah, we went and got manicures and shopped." he grabbed your hand and examined the color.

"I like this color with your skin." he said running his fingers over the delicate polish. "Well anyway, tonight is a movie night at our room."

"Oh cool. Is everyone coming?" you asked.

"Yeah, it's gonna be this big family reunion thing." he said laughing.


"And we are in charge of cleaning." 

"We have jobs?" you asked surprised at their organization.

"Yeah. Niall, Angie, and Liam have food, Zayn and Lizzie have the movie, and Louis and Bri have decorating."

"Wow,very impressive."

"Yeah I came up with it on my own." he said pretending to be smart.

"Sure." you said laughing.

"Well I'm done early, so we get to go do whatever we want for a few hours." he said leading you towards the elevator.

"Which would be what?" you asked.

"Trust me, you are gonna love it!" he said smiling.

"Okay." you said trusting him. Your mind begged you not to trust him, to afraid of getting hurt again, but your heart over ruled the decision and followed him into the elevator.


After a hike with Harry up to a beautiful view of the city, you returned back to your apartment to get started on cleaning. You took vacuuming and dusting while Harry did the dishes and your room, not like anyone would be in there. Once you were done it was almost time for the guys to come over.

"So how was recording?" you asked sitting next to Harry on the couch.

"It was well." he said smiling. There was something strange in his tone. Was it excitement?- or pure joy? Whatever it was you wanted to know.

"You seem extremely happy." you hinted at.

"Why do you say that?" 

"I don't know, you just seem happy."

"I'm just happy that I'm here with you." he said burying his face into your hair. "You hair smells good." he said. His hot breath tickled your neck.

"Quit." you said squirming away from him, but Harry was relentless. He moved across the couch towards you on his hands and knees. You hit the edge and tumbled off.

"Molly." he called with an edge of cheekiness in his voice.

"Stay away!" you warned trying not to laugh. He fell of the side of the couch straight onto you. You guys rolled around for a second until he was straddling your stomach. He grabbed your arms and pinned them next to your head.

"Gotcha." he said proudly. No matter how hard you tried to escape, he was just to strong.

"Get off Harry." you said laughing.

"No." he said laying his forehead on yours. He wrapped your wrists up in one of his hands and lay on you.

"OK, I take it back, you can stay here." you said smelling in his mint toothpaste and woodsy smell.

"I knew you would change your mind." he said placing his lips on yours. You moved your head up, out of breath and he moved down to your neck, kissing every inch.

"Harry." you gasped.

"Yes babe." 

"Come here." you said grabbing his hair and pulling his lips back up to yours. The door opened and you let go of his hair and pushed his chest up in a sitting position.

"Woah, getting rated R now are we?" Louis called walking in. Your face went bright red, but Harry seemed content to stay like this.

"Don't have to much fun." Zayn called walking into the room. You tried to push Harry off your stomach but he wouldn't budge. 

"Harrrrrrrry." you whined long and drawn out.

"Mollllllly." he replied laying down on you again. You almost kissed him again, but you were aware of more company entering. You poked his sides and threw him off. You jumped up and ran into the living room. By the time Harry spotted you, you were both having laughing fits. Everyone was here except Liam and Niall.

"Where is Niall and Liam?" Angie asked.

"Weren't you with them?" Lizzie asked laughing.

"Yeah but they said they would catch the next elevator because Niall had dropped something." she said looking concerned.

"Maybe we should go look for them." you said standing up. Harry grabbed your hand and pulled you back down.

"Let them go. We can stay here and watch the place." he said looking down at his phone. You checked the time as well. Sure enough it was 9:24.

"OK." you said sitting up a little straighter.

"We will be back as soon as we find them." They called.

"OK." Now it was you, Harry, and Louis.

"Where do you think they are?" you asked Harry.

"Niall probably realized that he forgot some dire food at the store and had to go back." he said laughing. You pulled your phone out and texted Niall asking him where they were. No reply. It was weird, Niall always had his phone on him. Next you texted Liam the same thing. He replied waetoaudsf. What did that mean? You showed Harry starting to get worried.

"Maybe I should go help them." he offered getting up.

"Sure." you said mimicking his motions.

"I'll stay here in case they show up." Louis called as you guys walked out the door.

"OK, you are not to leave my sight, do you hear me?" he asked.

"I hear you loud and clear." you said smiling.

"Always the joker." he said poking your side and leading you to the elevator.

"I hope they are okay." you said.

"I'm sure they are." he replied grabbing your hand and giving it a quick squeeze. His hand calmed your nerves, but you couldn't help but think, deep down in the pit of your stomach, that something was really wrong, and you were already to late.

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