More Than This- Chapter 4

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You casually walked into the kitchen. You had convinced yourself that you wanted to know what they were making but deep down you knew you wanted to see Liam.

"Molly!" Niall screamed while stirring something in a huge pot. Liam's head flew around and he smiled very warmly at you.

"Hey Molly." Liam said turning back to what he was doing.

"Hey guys. What's for supper?" you asked moving so you could see what Niall was stirring. It looked like watery oatmeal.

"Well we were trying to make soup...." Liam said sliding behind you and throwing some vegetables into the pot. "....but it kind of got really messed up. So we're ordering pizza instead." You couldn't help laughing at them.

"Molly wanna go get the pizza with me?" Niall said dumping the "soup" in the garbage.

"I'll have to go ask Harry." you said turning around.

"Is Harry in charge of you?" Liam said laughing. Your face got a little red as you walked out to go find Harry. He was sitting on the couch talking to Zayn and Louis.

"Hey Harry so supper didn't work out so Niall's going to get pizza and he wanted to know if I wanted to go. Is that ok?" you asked nervousily wringing your hands. He was thinking for a second.

"Yeah that's fine." he said almost looking disappointed. You contemplated not going.

"Can I come?" Bri asked standing up.

"Sure!" Niall said from the kitchen.

"It's a party now!" you said laughing forgetting about Harry.

"How come you didn't ask my permission!" Louis said standing up and putting his hands on his hips outraged. Everyone started laughing.

"I don't have to ask you anything, you're not the boss." Bri said, her voice full of sass. The look on Louis' face sent everyone overboard. No one could stop laughing. Once you were in control of yourself you followed Niall out the door with Bri trailing behind you. You slide in the backseat and Bri followed behind you. Niall started up the car and you guys drove away. You guys had a lot of fun laughing at everything. Niall got out of the car and went to order the pizza's so it was just you and Bri in the car.

"So when did you and Harry start dating?" Bri said turning to you. You felt the blood rush into your cheeks as you turned away slightly.

"We aren't dating." you said trying to hide your embarrassment, clearly failing.

"Well you obviouisly like him!" she said trying to see your face.

"No I don't." you said trying to think of something to say. "What about you and Louis?" you said satisfied that you had come up with something.

"That's a totally different story." she said. "We will finish this conversation later." she said motioning to Niall who was walking up to the car with 5 boxes of pizza.

"Geez Niall are you feeding an army?" you said laughing as he got in the car.

"Well there is 9 of us." he said defensively.

"No there's only 8." you said counting everyone.

"Us 5 guys, you, Bri, Lizzie, and Allison." he said starting his car up.

"Allison?" you asked confused.

"Yeah Liam's friend." he said drving away. Your heart dropped which surprised you. Liam had a friend who would probably soon turn into his girlfriend. Why did it matter to you? You liked Harry, or did you like Liam too?


The whole ride home your mind raced. Why did it bug you so much? Niall pulled on to the driveway and you heard the front door slam. You bent down to get the pizza's and when you stood up you saw a mass of curls running at you. Harry picked you up and threw you in a circle. You couldn't stop laughing. Once he put you down he snatched the pizza boxes from your hands and started walking up to the house. Niall stealthily snuck around him and grabbed the pizza's and ran. Niall was such a little kid. Harry flipped his curls and you couldn't help but stare. He was so beautiful that you couldn't take your eyes off of him. You didn't realize that there was a hole and you stepped right in it. You ankle snapped and you fell down. A sharp pain shot up your leg and you screamed. The look on Harry's face cut you deeper than any knife ever could. His face displayed terror as he knelt beside you. You knew at that moment that you had to make this look as painless as you could so you didn't scare Harry.

"Molly!" he screamed. You saw the front door open and everyone ran out. Liz pushed her way to the front and fell beside you. She looked at your ankle while you clenched your teeth holding in the screams.

"It's broken, we need to get her to the hospital." she said standing up. Harry needed no more direction. He scooped you up and carried you over to the car. Zayn ran inside to get his keys. Harry slid in the backseat next to you while Liz jumped in the passenger seat. Zayn sprinted from the house and got in the drivers side.

"We'll meet you at the hospital." Bri said to Harry as Zayn started to back out of the driveway. The last thing you saw was Liam's face, it was full of worry and fear. His face scared you but not nearly as much as Harry's. He grabbed your hand and rubbed circles into the back of it.

"It'll be OK." he reassured you the whole way there. Liz turned around and calmly talked to you. Zayn shot you worried glances from the rear view mirror every few minutes. Once you got there Harry picked you up and carried you inside. They did an x-ray and sure enough, it was broken. Then they fit you for your cast. Harry never left your side. They only allowed 1 other person to go into the x-ray room so Lizzie left you and Harry alone. Once you were able to go you went downstairs to see everyone waiting for you. You scanned the faces looking for 1 in particular. You saw Bri first and she ran up and gave you a hug.

"Oh Molly you are so brave!" she praised you. Everyone took their turns hugging you, everyone but Liam and Allison.

"Hey before we go can I go to the bathroom?" you asked Harry.

"Sure." he said walking over to Lizzie and whispering something in her ear. She nodded then skipped happily over to you.

"Ready?" she asked cheerily.

"Did Harry ask you to go with me?" you asked staring him down, but he wouldn't meet your gaze.

"No..." she said looking in a different direction. It was obvious she was lying. You sighed as you realized that you would be getting plenty more treatment like this in the future.

"I can take care of myself." you said limping down the hallway.

"Harry just wants to make sure that you are safe." she said innocently as if she was on his side of this. "Hey you go ahead to the bathroom, I'm gonna grab you something to eat." she said stopping at the vending machine and pulling out her money. You turned the corner and saw Liam and Allison pressed up against a wall molding their lips together. Your heart and your legs stopped at exactly the same time. You froze staring at them for a minute, then you turned around and robotic ally walked back to Lizzie.

"Hey are you ok? You're whiter than a ghost." she said feeling your head.

"Yeah I'm OK." you said. She studied your face looking for signs of lying. She gave up easily, not finding anything. You walked back to everyone. Lizzie went over to Zayn and she was replaced by Harry.

"Are you ok?" he asked picking apart your brain through your eyes.

"Yeah I'm just tired, can we go?" you asked as convincingly as you could. He wasn't as easily fooled as Lizzie was. He stood staring at you for a moment. Eventually he gave in, finding nothing, just as Lizzie had.

"Yeah sure." he said grabbing your hand and supporting your weight as you walked out to the car. "I called your mom and told her that you broke your ankle." he said but you weren't listening. You were thinking back to Liam and Allison making out. Why was it bugging you? You liked Harry. After all, you couldn't have both.

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