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You thought perhaps doing as your captor says would get you a chance to give them a false sense of trust in you. As you gripped the bottom of your shirt To take it off you caught yourself. Perhaps doing so wouldn't actually work. You didn't know if he wanted to keep you alive for long despite you obeying him, nor did you know his intentions with you. That thought sent shivers up your spine and a sickening feeling deep in your guts. Then what should you do? Just as you lift your head to scan the room the tall white haired male came in with your spare clothes. He looked over at you and saw that you weren't undressed yet. He frowned. "Wh-" You cut him off;"Wh-what do you plan doing with me?" With both of your hands clenched against your chest, you tried sounding brave but your voice trembled in fear. His face switched from irritation you assumed was from you cutting him off to a slightly sadistic smile then a normal on all in 2 seconds. He loved the sound of fear coming out of your mouth and even took note of you trying to sound brave.

He stared into your eyes before answering. "Of course.. How course.. I suppose you deserve to know as well.. " He stated. "What does he mean 'I deserve to know'" You thought.He stepped closer to you and curled strands of your hair on his finger. "Consider yourself my play toy" He smirked. "You may call me Master Esidisi.. Or Master." He divulged. Your eyes were wide as if they haven't already have been. "Now hurry and take your bath before the water gets cold. " He ordered. "You wouldn't wanna suffer the consequences of making an unpleasant toy, would you? " His words stirred around in your head like a pot of soup. As if a mixture of disgust and fear seasoned your stomach fabricating the displeasing feeling in your stomach to grow. He stared at him in shock before he pulled his hand away and walked out of your vision and set your spare clothes on a chair by the door. Your eyes didn't follow him back to the door but instead traced down to the floor. You didn't give up just yet though still unaware this wasn't even the beginning.

Now knowing his intentions you can finally make up your mind as to what you should do. There were no windows come to think of it so you couldn't try to escape at the moment. You still felt horrified being the situation your in. Even so you tried not to be so weak and spineless as you always were and decided to do with your plan. Your undressed yourself and got in the bath. It was still hot thankfully and you washed yourself after soaking a bit to get your composer back.

Esidisi's perspective
Esidisi left the room satisfied with his choice of choosing you. He went to go prepare a meal for you both. He left his room and ambled down to the kitchen and prepared a meal. He hummed as he did so. Ruminating on his plans for experimenting with the heart of a female human.

Back to you.
You finished washing and drained the tub. You looked around for a towel and found one hanging on a shelf. You stepped out up in the cold floor and hurried over to it. You felt like a cold snowman and shivered as you wrapped it around you. You remember it being warm in the room, thus you dried off and dressed yourself. You made sure to dry your hair as well and exited the room. You felt the warmth of the saturated room. You sat on the bed as instructed. Soon thought you felt weary. You laid back on your elbow before the drowsiness took over you and you laid your hair on the bottom of the bed and slipped into sweet unconsciousness.

Next chapter is meal time.👹

🥀Burning Desire🥀(Esidisi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now