I'm yours

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You've awaited Esi's return for 2 days. You'd receive meals at least once or twice during those days, presumably when ever they wanted to feed you. Taking naps when ever you felt the need, completely incognisant of the time of day. For the time being, you read other books trying to forget about you suspicion your captor being what that book describes,"A Pillarman" or "God" of some sort. Before you could not recall from where you've heard such a title from but you've now remembered. Though it didn't matter now you were more curious about who these people.. Or must you say "beings" are. Pondering if it's the correct decision to approach him about it or attempt to escape once more. Pausing as you came across that thought. You think back to when you had first tried.. To say the least the book completely elucidated on how this man just materialized in front of you out of no where. You closed the book and lazed your head in the palm of your hands. You've went through so much stress since you were brought to this godawful place. Just as you were getting ready to gravitate deeper in your thoughts, the door nob rattled. Instinctively you turned your head to the noise assuming it was Esidisi. The door opened and the same tall, herculean, tan, blonde male you sat across from at the table entered the room. You turned your head, not noticing what he cradled in his hand for you. He ambled over to you and placed a cat before you on the desk. Your eyes widened as you fixated on the feline. "Your master will be back shortly. He voiced to me his suspicion that perhaps books wouldn't keep you entertained for long." He explained. You didn't say anything nor look at him, though when he stopped talking you brought your knees up to your chin and buried your face in them, along with encasing your head in your arms that wrapped around it. He then left, having no interest in his master's affairs. Humans are nothing but roaches compared to them. Why waste your time on them? Once he left you poked your head up at the door and looked at the cat. It was currently grooming itself on the desk where your books were dispersed about on the desk. You reached over to pet it and it immediately jerked back and looked at your hand, inspecting it before brushing its head against your hand as you began to pet it. "Perhaps this will provide me solitude, away from my thoughts." You muttered to yourself.

TW: Heavy gore and blood mentioned

Esidisi's POV.

Finally. After years of insufferable patients. Joseph laid impaled on the spikes lifelessly. His body smoldered from Esidisi's flames, and body harpooned with spikes all over. Caesar laying in a pool of his own blood as well as Lisa Lisa and Caesars hamon instructor.  Suzie Q was the last one alive. Esidisi looked over at her with a wicked smile embedded on his face, unmistakably sozzled in power and thrill. Suzie Q weakly stood my the wall traumatized by the sight of her family and friends butchered right before her. Esidisi thought it would be fit for the pitiful human to suffer the lose of those close to her.. At least before her and the entire piteous human race is greeted with their demise. He turned back to the beautiful stone and took his leave from the large mansion and set out back for the place he resided in for shelter from the sun. The very thing he once feared and now will soon conquer. 

Your perspective.

You've been playing with the cat for quite a while now. You'd have to admit that it that it sure did give you peace. The Siamese fur had such a nice feel under your finger tips. Moments pass until your hear the door open abruptly. It was Esidisi. Shivers ran down your spine as you saw him enter. You tried to avoid looking at him as he made his way over to you. Wrapping his hands around your waist and leaning over you as you retracted your hand from the cat, placing both hands on your thighs as you tensed up. "How's my beautiful doll been?.." He purred in your ear, leaving goose bumps on your neck.. His eyes then was drawn to one of your books. One that you had not finished due to the contents of it. He picked it up, your eyes following his hand to which book and your heart dropping to your stomach. He skimmed through the pages before looking down at you, unable to contain the added excitement to what was already there. "How much have you read since I was gone?" He asked, of course expecting an answer. You didn't answer and just became physically hysterical. Your hand shook as well as the nervous sweating that strangled your ability to breathe with ease. Though you hadn't read much to get the full picture of who these beings are, it had scared you to death knowing what they have done to their entire race. He placed the book down and outstretched his hand for you chin. Quickly standing up and whipping around to face him, opening your mouth to speak as your wide eyes glared directly into his. Has it really been that long? Or was it the new found information that made you halt? You wanted to scream at him but the soft sadistic smile on his face dared you to. He removed the chair from between you two and came closer to you. Stiffening, you looked down and closed your eyes. Only being a centimeter away, he cupped you chin, forcing you to look up at him. "No need to fret.." He reassured "Just like a porcelain doll, I'll be sure to never harm you." He took his other hand and brushed it against your cheek. There it was again. That feeling.. Only stronger.. Why must his words.. His vibrations.. Cause your soul such tranquility.. Pulling you in for a kiss, you snapped out of your trance you jerked your head from his grasp and turned to the ground. Silence. His hand stayed in place fore a bit. "Very well.." He said. You followed his movements as he exited the room though not before looking back at you once more. He smirked at you before licking his lips and turning back and completely leaving. Not the reaction you foresaw. That made you worry. 

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