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You sat on the bed for god knows how long. You've made up your mind on how to feel about the situation as you hugged your knees. You merely felt like some kind of a harlot for enjoying receiving pleasure from a guy your don't even know. As you were lost in your thought you realized you still didn't put on your pants. They were rather comfortable and slightly slack on the legs, though fitting at the waist and ankles. They had a black and denim pattern as well as a matching shirt. You didn't know what to do in the meantime while waiting for him to return. I could try to escape this place, though you knew little of what outside of this room looked liked and imagine it to be a big deal as you would just find it. You got up but just as you did you remembered your old clothes. You'd rather not escape back home in the clothing your captor has given you. You headed over to the bathroom to look for them but none to your surprise they weren't there. You retreated back to the bedroom and walked to the door cautiously afraid of what might be on the other side. Was he waiting for this moment for you to escape? Or at least set a trap? You decided to take the risk  carefully.

You opened the door briskly and quickly hid behind the door just in case. Slowly peaking out the door you didn't see anyone there.. In fact you didn't see ANYTHING there. It was pitch black and you felt your heart stop. Was this all a weird dream? Where were you? You quietly shut the door. Legs nearly giving up on you as terror took over your body. Tears formed at the corner of your eyes out of fear. Composure completely lost in the void as your breath became staggered as you trembled. "What is it night time still?" You questioned. "Still? I've been out 2 times since I've been here.. what if its the next night." You thought to yourself. Although you were still horrified at the complete darkness you still wanted to escape. Perhaps if you had a source of light. You looked at the desk to find an oil lamp and scurried over and grabbed it.. You opened the door again to see that it in fact came in handy. As you stepped out of the room you could distinctly see stone brick outline of the wall. Looking left and right you could faintly see lit torches. You walked to the right of the circular hallway keeping cautions of your surroundings, occasionally looking behind you to make sure the creepy bastard wasn't following you.

After wondering for what you could guess was 10 mins you were able to find a long spiral stair case. The farther you went the more you couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, thus you looking around more frequently than when your were in the hall. Finally you've reached the bottom of the stairs and at least a fraction of your tranquility has been restored. As you wondered the halls of the lower floor you took note of the boarded up windows causing the lack of light. They were boarded up so tightly it might've blocked out any hint of sunlight. It was explainable as to why it was so dark in here. You quietly tried to find the exit as you walked down a hallway, until you started hearing faint voices down the hall. You tried to listen in on what was being said but unfortunately it was too muffled for you to make anything out. You moved closer to where the sound was coming from and could make out the voice of a man seemingly speaking to another one. Something about a stone..of Aja? Then you heard the voice of your captor in which startled you a bit. And just then out of nowhere he stopped talking. He had sensed your presence, of course absent to your knowledge. He decided that it was time to go so you turned down the hall and quietly sprinted down the hall. You frantically tried to find the exit until you stumbled upon a foyer. It was mildly decorated with a piano, sofa and old oil paintings. Although what stood out to you the most was the door. You darted for it and grabbed the handle right before hearing the soul-stirring sound of footsteps in which you presumed to be you captor. You whipped around your head quickly to see that your guess was correct. He stood 20 meters behind you down the hall and in which he strode towards you at a normal pace.

It was like your heart stopped for a full second before you quickly turned around and rapidly unlocked the door and forced it open. You darted out the door hearing the footsteps of your captor speeding up immediately. You ran as fast as you could into the wood hoping you'd lose him there. Unfortunately for you you he knew the woods like the back of his hand. You were fast enough to escape when you stopped hearing his rapid footsteps behind you and reached the middle of nowhere in the woods. Even as you looked back you couldn't see the place you had ran from.

You panted as you've caught your breath for a few seconds before turning around and upon hearing a loud thud in front of you, your captor had been one step ahead of you. It was as if he had dropped from the trees. Your heart finally collapsed to your stomach  as you've witnessed the god like being positioned right before you. Dropping to your knees you stared up at the god like being, horrified. Would this be the end of you? Will he be the one to hurtle you to your demise? Tears fell from your eyes as your life flashed before your eyes. Just as he was stepping closer you squeezed your eyes shut and held your hands over your head, as if that would help anything in this situation. He knelt down and used one finger to lift your chin. "So pathetic." He said. That warm voice of his was all an illusion for you that for once you didn't fall for. Your breathing still rigid as small weeping occasionally escaped your mouth in between breaths. "It would be a waste to throw away such an prodigious toy would it not?" He cooed. No reply surfaced your lips, instead quivered. You still refused to look at him as tears streamed down your face. 

He leaned close to your face, letting you feel his warm breath on your face before licking your tears on your left cheek dry. He scooped you up into his arms and began walking back to the enormous chateau looking building. You knew better than any sane person that trying to attack him was out of the option. Not only because you were scared but because there would be no chance in you winning. You merely continued to hold back weeping due to feeling powerless. By the time he arrived back you were curled up in his arms asleep. He made his way to his room and gently placed you on the bed and planted a gentle kiss on your forehead. 

🥀Burning Desire🥀(Esidisi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now