A small tale

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You woke up to see yourself back on the bed. Your lower eyelid was a bit red from weeping. You laid on your back, tucked into the soft warm sheets. You glanced to your left to see if Esidisi was here and surprisingly he wasn't. You suspected he would expect you to try and escape again so you didn't even try to dart out the door again.. You sat up and hugged your knees. You pondered on the fact this place was located in the middle of nowhere in the forest. You didn't know what to do. Internally feeling trapped and caged. As much as you wanted to escape this situation, knowing your possibly miles away from any nearby city almost left you hopeless. As you got lost in your head filled with roaming around your head, you almost didn't realized you captor had been in the bathroom, though now he had stepped out. You looked up at him and frowned and looked back down to the floor. You were thankful he hadn't killed you yet, though that's not a reason to accept the fact your most likely never getting out. He had a towel on as water seeped down his muscular form.

"You will be accommodating me and my intimates later on today so I suggest you bathe and eat. Your food is on the desk." He said pointing with his thumb over to the desk. "Why me.. of all the people in the world.." You thought. You stood up and went to walk past him before he stopped you by placing his hand in front of your chest. Feeling his gaze affixed on you as a vile aura started to linger in the air, causing a wave of intimidation flutter though out your whole body.. He slowly dragged his hand up to your chin, in which you tried to avoid. Cuffing your chin in his hand he drove your head to face him. He leaned gave you small peck on your lips. "Be sure to be quick." He said in a slightly sadistic voice. Your eyes back down at the floor while your head was still in place as you slightly blushed. "You'll be going alone.. Though don't bother trying to escape. Any exits are heavily guarded.." He continued, still looking down upon you. You haven't any clue what he ment. The place looked like no body lived here for years, except his room. You nodded in understandment as he let his hand down for you to enter the bathroom. You decided to take the time to think about what he said while washing your body. You didn't want to find out what would happen if you were late so as soon as you were done washing you got out and couldn't help but ponder about the awful situation your in right now as you let the drain go down as well as dry off and put on some fresh clothes he had supposedly placed on the chair for you..

You walked out of the bathroom and proceeded to the door. You decided to eat a little of course after checking if it was any good. He did live in a run down looking building. You enjoyed  only a fraction of the meal and decided it was time to head there. You grabbed the oil lamp that Esidisi had placed back on the desk.

Upon walking out of the door you see a figure next to the door which caused you to jump back a bit as you quickly turned your head towards the figure. You were relived for it was only a horrific looking statue. It stood in a military posture, it's eye's looked creepy and it had fangs poking out of its mouth. You sighed thinking it was placed there to give you a little fright. But before you could continue walking it spoke. "You'd best be on your way quickly, girl!" You didn't have much of a physical response and just widened your eyes again. "Is this what he ment by heavily 'guarded'? These  eerie looking things?" You thought to yourself. "Wh-what are you?" You asked. You thought that was a bit too straight forward and insolent. "Ah- sorry I mean-" "Isn't it obvious girl?!" He interrupted. "I'm a vampire.. Didn't they read about us in elementary school?!" He exclaimed. You didn't even wanna continue this talk anymore. "Never mind that though.. Like I said.. Master Esidisi would be furious with you if your late to your little 'dinner party.' " He ridiculed. You didn't even respond and just walked at the opposite end of the hallway, away from that thing. Surprisingly you had remembered the route you took to get to the front door and even when you overheard their conversations. You ventured down the hall, spiral stairs and down the hall. You turned the corner to where the room was down the hall. As you walked down the long hallway you grew anxious.

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