🍋A part of you🍋

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Esidisi headed back to the room. Upon entering he found you sleeping on the bottom of the bed. He planned to have a romantic meal. Luckily you were sleep to save yourself from the awkward tension between you and your captor. He decided to grab a book off a small shelf and read it, his back laying against the dark oak headboard of the bed on the opposite side from you. He read until you awoke from your rest. 

You hadn't know how long you were out though you felt well rested upon waking up. Your head was a bit foggy before you remembered where you were. And even worse you weren't in the same spot you fell asleep in. It didn't feel like the same warm silk sheets you once laid atop of. You opened your eyes to find yourself laying on top of your captor. He closed the book now aware that your awake. 

Your eyes widened and your heartbeat doubled. Your hips rested above his making you turn bright red. If it made you feel better that he had pants on this time. You were relieved that he did so at least. You couldn't help but feel his eyes burning at the top of your head. "You've missed dinner.. I hope you at least weren't hungry. " He said, breaking the silence. You didn't reply. You weren't hungry though so it was alright. 

You both say in silence before he put the closed book down and positioned you up wards. Esidisi decide to make his move, getting tired of the silence. He wanted to try something new. You were a bit startled by his touch as he sat you up. You blushed due to the position you were in. Just then he leaned in closer. Esidisi buried his head in the dip of your neck before he started to kiss it. You were stunned for a few seconds before wanting to push him off but something told you not to. As he stopped before coming up and now giving you an open mouth kiss. As wrong as it sounded it made you feel slight pleasure. You closed your eyes shamefully enjoying this.
He enjoyed the sound of your heart racing as he bit down on your bottom lip, his singular fang  almost piercing it. You both kissed for a short period of time before he pulled away. You opened your eyes and looked at him. Hey gently laid you on the bed and continued to leave love marks on your neck. He kissed down to your collar bone until he got to your shirt. You let out small moans as he did. The feeling of satisfaction tickled through out your body. He slid it upwards revealing your bra. He continued his smooching down to your hips before sliding your pants down along with your panties. You were overflowing in anticipation as he did so. You had a slight sense of guilt as you just had met him and was already. You wanted an excuse to this but had nothing. Esidisi continued to strip you of your pants until they were completely off. Noticing that he had already made you wet he lowers his head and begins to swirl is tongue around your clit. You panted out of pleasure trying not to lose control yet. He did it so well it made you wonder how many times he's done this. Rather how many so called 'Toys'he has played with. As he continued you began to reach your climax. 

You began to squirm a bit which he enjoyed watching before you came. Arching your back as you did so letting out a soft moan. Esidisi licked your juices with his tongue and sat up. It tasted sweet to him as he looked down at you satisfied with his work. Guilt washed over you for indulging in him as you laid panting on the bed, legs shaking as he looked down at you. You finally pulled yourself together and sat up, breathing still a bit rigid though you calmed down. Before standing up he planted a kiss on your forehead, picking up your chin to face him as Esidisi leaned over your small frame. "I'm afraid I have business to attend to." He stated. "I'll be back soon. I'll order someone to bring you food just in case you get hungry." His words were warm as you blushed looking up at him. Esidisi got up and had left the room to attend what ever he needed to and left you sitting on the bed daydreaming about what had just happened, before you stopped remembering who he was. Someone who had taken you hostage and practically stated that you were just a toy to him. But it's not that bad. He could've been someone worse. You went back and forth in your head with opposing judgment of the situation as you put your panties on and sat on the bed. 

You decided to stay up thinking whats the best judgment of this situation.

End chapter

This took all day to think of and write wtf QvQ.

Also I'm not that good at writing lemons so pls exqueeze me U-U

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