Looking Out For You

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Ever since last night, you've neglected reality. Ignoring the fact that you've been ripped away from the human world and forced to serve as nothing but a toy to this God like man. At times you'd notice your change in behavior but you felt the need to excuse it, persuading yourself that any woman would fall for such a mesmerizing man anyways. Consciously Justifying your lack of desire for the natural human need for freedom.. The day after your first, faithful, heartwarming feeling toward him began, he had brought you outside before dawn and unveiled something to you that you'd never forget, along with his comrades. He put on a mask with a red stone in it and as soon as the sun came up he suddenly had new powers. You were greatly astounded at the sight before you. Looking down upon you as he turned to face you with a bestial smile. As if he has spotted fresh prey. You, of course. But not the kind of prey you would eat. He seemed greatly over joyed at his newly acquired abilities. In a way, you knew although he didn't show it with human emotions, such as visible excitement but more of his change in how he behaved. 

A few days passed. He hadn't explained anything to you ever since but he would often go out and come back soaked in blood. As petrified you the first few times, you weren't able to conjure up the courage to ask but once you did. You both sat o the bed. Esidisi with his back against the headboard and you sitting at the end of the bed. Although the blood was washed off now you still felt the need to ask. "E-Esi-" You paused for a second as you immediately noticed an annoyed expression materializing on his face as he looked at you. You didn't know why until you remembered. "..Master.. Esidisi.." You uttered. His face immediately washed over with relaxation. You took a mental note that that was the right thing to do. "Speak (Y/N).." He commanded. You rethought to yourself, thinking if this was the right choice. But you didn't want to annoy him again so you just went with your initial plan. "..I've...just been wondering.." He raised an """eye brow""" anticipating your question as you looked away. (I'm sorry) "About the blood.." You finished with your voice quivering as you tried not to revisit the sight of it. You heard a hum come from behind you. "I'm also assuming that you wonder where I'm going?" He said with a hint of a mischievous tone in his voice. You thought his reaction was odd. Not what you were expecting nor the opposite. Turning to him you widened your eyes, in which were filled with interest. Of course oblivious to what you were about to hear. He sat straight and with a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. "I'm killing off your race." He blatantly said. Nothing told you that he was joking. Your facial expression switched from confusion to shock. "U-Uhm-" You uttered. "There's a great deal of these vexing humans on this Earth I must admit.. It's always been one of my goals to eliminate them all.." He explained. You honestly hoped that he was joking but in reality you knew he couldn't have been. He stood up and  walked in front of you. He leaned down a bit, cuffing your chin in his hand and brought it up to face him. "Although, of course you aren't on my list, (Y/N)" He chuckled. Although you wasn't worried about that, you remembered that you should have been. Perhaps just you getting a  bit too comfortable around him. Since that faithful day you have been clinging to him like a lost puppy. Sometimes without your knowledge, he would make faces of disgust at you. You felt he truly found you disgusting, the way you even dared to feel worthy enough to breath the same air as him, when in reality he just wanted to remind you of your place when it comes to him. You'd always let go of him, looking down at the ground as insecurity hung on a heavy chain from your heart.. You motioned your eyes away from him looking slightly down off to the side. "But why?" You asked. "Why would you kill such innocent people?!" You said looking back at him, voice slightly rising. He leaned in closer to your ear with a sly smile. "Because (Y/N)," He started. "Your species is down right abhorrent. Purely disgusting little leaches that suck the life away from this prepossessing Earth." He chuckled softly in your ear. "Then what does that make me?" You said ripping away from his grasp on your chin. "Will you soon find me to be the same as those you've previously killed? If my species is so disgusting then why am I here?!" Looking back at him with wide, teary eyes. Though you tried to be courageous, your trebling gave away the hint that you were afraid of the consequences of standing up to him. He now standing up right and looking down at you. His right arm folded to a right degree angle and fist balled up, he pointed his finger on his left hand at you and began. " Like I said (Y/N), you are but a Toy to me.. Nothing more, nothing less." He said with a stoic voice and face. "Unless if you want to rid yourself of that title I suggest you be appreciative that I exclude you.." 

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